[ English | Japanese ] [ GFD Dennou Club / DCPAM: planetary atmosphere model ] [ dcpam4 Reference Manual ]
- 2007/07/31 (Tag: dcpam4-20070731)
- 2007/06/20 (Tag: dcpam4-20070620)
- 'dcmodel_f90sample_maker.rb' is created. This output Fortran 90/95
template file with dcmodel programming guideline.
- NAMELIST loaders are added to each module and main program.
- Test programs are overhauled.
- Shell scripts for test programs are created.
- List of content about documents is created.
- Reference manuals of modules for MathML and non MathML are created.
- Guidance of execution of a sample program is added.
- Operation with Intel Fortran Compiler or G95 Fortran Compiler is checked.
- Module for calculation of forcing and dissipation suggested by
Held and Suarez (1994) is imported from 'dcpam3'
- Module list of dcpam4 is created
- Structure of programs of dcpam3 is overhauled
- Physical processes and documents etc. will be migrated from now.
$Id: HISTORY,v 1.4 2007/07/31 10:01:25 morikawa Exp $
DCPAM Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff