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- 2014/03/14 (Tag: dcpam5-20140314)
- 2014/02/18 (Tag: dcpam5-20140218)
- 2014/02/04 (Tag: dcpam5-20140204)
- 2013/10/07 (Tag: dcpam5-20131007)
- 2013/09/21 (Tag: dcpam5-20130921)
- 2013/03/02 (Tag: dcpam5-20130302)
- 2013/02/19 (Tag: dcpam5-20130219)
- 2012/11/29 (Tag: dcpam5-20121129)
- 2012/11/10 (Tag: dcpam5-20121110)
- 2012/10/08 (Tag: dcpam5-20121008)
- 2012/09/22 (Tag: dcpam5-20120922)
- 2012/09/21 (Tag: dcpam5-20120921)
- 2012/03/01 (Tag: dcpam5-20120726)
- 2012/03/01 (Tag: dcpam5-20120301)
- 2012/02/29 (Tag: dcpam5-20120229)
- 2012/02/26 (Tag: dcpam5-20120226)
- 2010/10/08 (Tag: dcpam5-20101008)
- 2009/04/05 (Tag: dcpam5-20090405)
- 2009/03/19 (Tag: dcpam5-20090319)
- 2009/03/17 (Tag: dcpam5-20090317)
- 2009/03/06 (Tag: dcpam5-20090306)
- 2009/02/25 (Tag: dcpam5-20090225-2)
- 2009/02/18 (Tag: dcpam5-20090218-1)
- 2009/01/26 (Tag: dcpam5-20090126)
- 2008/11/29 (Tag: dcpam5-20081129)
- 2008/11/18 (Tag: dcpam5-20081118)
- 2008/11/09 (Tag: dcpam5-20081109-1)
- 2008/10/08 (Tag: dcpam5-20081008)
- 2008/09/25 (Tag: dcpam5-20080925)
- 2008/08/12 (Tag: dcpam5-20080812)
- 2008/08/04 (Tag: dcpam5-20080804)
- Bug fix
- Add some codes for future extention
- Introduction of semi-Lagrange tracer transport calculation
- Test implementation of solver for simultaneous linear equations composed of turbulent mixing, surface thermal budget, and soil thermal conduction equations
- Bug fix
- Fix typos
- Test implementation of several routines (those are commented out, now)
- Update calculation method of cloud model.
- Create test version of a new cloud model.
- Update time filter.
- A bug for output of adust-related variable is fixed.
- README is created.
- "src/SRC_LIST" that is a document
about directory structure under "src" is created.
- Top directory is arranged.
- Some scripts and Makefiles are moved to subdirectories.
- Some documents for maintenance of dcpam5 are created.
- radiation_band
is improved.
- Input/Output of a restart file is available.
- A method of refering to a MPI library is changed from
"include mpif.h" to "use mpi".
- ground_file_io
is improved.
- Parallel data I/O is supported.
- A problem that restart is not performed correctly is fixed.
- Variables that are allocated with ALLOCATE function
are deallocated when the program is finished.
- phy_implicit
is modified.
- Arguments of "PhyImplTendency" is changed.
"PhyImplTendency" receives not
radiation fluxes on surface but whole radiation fluxes.
- A part of codes for calculation of implicit matrices of
velocity, temperature, specific humidity is arranged.
- auxiliary
is modified.
- Exner function is calculated in a subroutine "AuxVars".
- OPTIONAL attribute is added to arguments
that return from a subroutine "AuxVars".
- RakuRaku dcpam5 is improved.
- Components of initial data is changed.
- Names of some variables
in a dynamical process
are changed.
- A way of switching from APE to Held and Suarez (1994) benchmark test
is changed.
- Items in prepared sample NAMELIST files are arranged.
- Codes for output of vertical diffusion fluxes,
surface fluxes, radiation fluxes are modified.
- Matrices for implicit scheme of physical processes
are capsuled in
- An error about handlings of interval of calculation of radiation fluxes
is modified.
- Restart data is output when a calculation is finished.
- A module "intpol_half" that provides subroutines for
interpolation of temperature on half sigma level, and
calculation pressure and height is renamed to
- Utilities for development are improved.
- Makefile etc.
- "depend" is updated automatically when source files are compiled.
- Irrelevant error messages when "make clean" are rejected.
- A variable "DCPAMDIR" is removed in "Config.mk", and
a working directory can be moved easily.
- General modification
- "dcpam_ape.F90" and "dcpam_hs94.F90" are integrated to
(See RakuRaku dcpam5
for selection)
- A bug that surface temperature is not fixed with
surface temperature fix settings
(for example, aqua planet experiments with SST fix) is fixed.
- Errors that "(geo-potential) height" is described "get-potential" wrongly
are fixed. Variable names are modified from "GetPot" to "Height".
- Geography data is loaded from not
dynamics_hspl_vas83, but
and the data is shared with each process.
- "OLR", "OSR", "SLR", "SSR" are output in
- dynamics_hspl_vas83 is modified.
- Erroneous notations "average temperature" are modified to
"reference temperature". Variable names are modified from
"TempAvrXY" to "RefTemp".
- Reference temperature can be loaded from NAMELIST.
- phy_implicit
is modified.
- A name of subroutine "PhyImplFluxCorrect" that is worked for
output of fluxes in nature is changed to "PhyImplFluxOutput".
- Fluxes are output in this module.
- A subroutine "RadiationCorrect" that calculates radiation flux at
t+Dt from the tendency at t-Dt is moved from
module to "phy_implicit" module and renamed to "PhyImplEvalRadLFluxA".
- Scheme of correction of longwave flux is moved from
subroutine "IntegralSurfTemp" in module
to subroutine "PhyImplFluxOutput" in module "phy_implicit".
- Corrected longwave flux is output in subroutine "PhyImplFluxOutput".
- radiation_band
is modified.
- A subroutine "RadiationCorrect" that calculates radiation flux at
t+Dt from the tendency at t-Dt is moved from "radiation_band" module to
module and renamed to "PhyImplEvalRadLFluxA".
- dcpam_main
is modified.
- Some history output variables (OLR, SSR, etc.) are added.
- Some contents ("Visualization", "Refer configuration",
"Change configuration", etc.) are added to
RakuRaku dcpam5
- Codes of calculation of saturation specific humidity
in Tetens (1930) are added.
- A problem that a binary file of
is not created by "make" is fixed.
- dcpam_main,
lscond are changed.
- Summation of rain of cumulus parameterization scheme and
rain of large scale condensation scheme are output from
a main program.
- Some history data like as "OLR", etc. can be output additionally.
- Short wave incoming is separated from
and packaged as
- dcpam_main
is modified.
- Surface temperature can be changed.
- intg_surftemp
is imported from AGCM5.
- A mechanism of input/output of restart data of surface temperature
is added.
- A main program and a NAMELIST file for generation of
initial data is created.
- A main program and a NAMELIST file for generation of
surface data is created.
- A subroutine corrects fluxes for implicit scheme of physical processes
in AGCM5 are imported to
as a subroutine "PhyImplFluxCorrect".
- negative_moist
is modified.
- Error is returned when negative moist can not be removed.
- Date of start of calculation can be output to data.
- Time is controlled by not number of step but variables of time types
("DC_DIFFTIME" or "DC_DATETIME" in gtool5 library).
- Data input/output library is changed from
- Prediction variables are output not time filtered.
- DO LOOP of time integration is controlled by not number of step but time.
- Dynamical core is implemented.
- Large scale condensation scheme is implemented.
- Dry convective adjustment process is implemented.
- Surface flux process is implemented.
- Time filter (Asselin, 1972) is implemented.
- A utility for elimination of negative moisture is implemented.
- A module for ground data file input is created.
- A physical process for forcing and dissipation suggested
by Held and Suarez (1994) is implemented.
- Main program for Held and Suarez (1994) benchmark test is implemented.
- Programming style is considerably changed from "dcpam4".
- Under construction.
- Only radiation, vertical diffusion, cumulus parameterization
(moist adjust) are implemented.
$Id: HISTORY,v 1.44 2014-03-14 13:40:04 yot Exp $
DCPAM Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff