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Re: [jmadata-users33] software to read GPV (and to convert intoNetCDF)

(Bjmadata-users ���
(B>>>>> In article '[jmadata-users33] software to read GPV (and to convert into NetCDF)',
(B>>>>>   on Thu, 18 Jul 2002 12:05:57 +0900,
(B>>>>> horinout@xxxxxx(Takeshi Horinouchi)  said ...
(B> MSM�ڤ�RSM�Υǡ�����in�ֹ��⣲�ʷ����סˤ��ɤि��Υ��եȤ���
(B> �ޤ���������ģ��˭�Ĥ���˥��ɥХ�����ĺ���ޤ����Τǡ������ƴ���
(B> �פ��ޤ���
(B��������Ѥ��ơ�msm �Υǡ����� netcdf ���Ѵ����Ƥߤޤ�����
(B��� GrADS �桼���ʤΤǡ�GrADS ��ľ���ɤ������������ʤΤǤ�����
(B���Υ��եȤ��Ѵ�������Τ� GrADS ��dz�����
(Bga-> sdfopen MSM00PLM018_1.nc 
(BScanning self-describing file:  MSM00PLM018_1.nc
(BSDF file has no discernable X coordinate.
(Bncdump �ǥե�������ͻҤ�ߤ�ȡ�GrADS ��ɽ����ǽ�ʥե������
(B        float level(level) ;
(B                level:units = "millibar" ;
(B                level:actual_range = 1000.f, 10.f ;
(B                level:long_name = "Level" ;
(B                level:positive = "down" ;
(B                level:GRIB_id = 100s ;
(B                level:GRIB_name = "hPa" ;
(B        float lat(lat) ;
(B                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
(B                lat:actual_range = 90.f, -90.f ;
(B                lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
(B        float lon(lon) ;
(B                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
(B                lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
(B                lon:actual_range = 0.f, 357.5f ;
(B        double time(time) ;
(B                time:units = "hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0" ;
(B                time:long_name = "Time" ;
(B                time:actual_range = 17531687.999998, 17540442. ;
(B                time:delta_t = "0000-00-00 06:00:00" ;
(B�Τ褦�˼������ѿ����������Ƥ��ޤ�����msm �Υǡ������Ѵ�������Τ�
(B        float lon(lon) ;
(B        float lat(lat) ;
(B        float p(p) ;
(B        float time(time) ;
(Bgpv2nc.rb �Ȥ����ե�������ѹ����Ƥߤޤ�����
(B�ޤ�����ľ�����δؿ��� p �ˤʤäƤ���Τ� level ���Ѥ��Ƥߤޤ�����
(B    output.def_var('lon', "sfloat", [dimx])
(B    output.def_var('lat', "sfloat", [dimy])
(B    output.def_var('level', "sfloat", [dimz])  if not plane.first.nil?
(B    output.def_var('time', "sfloat", [dimt])
(B    output.def_var('lon', "sfloat", [dimx])
(B    output.var('lon').put_att('units', 'degrees_east')
(B    output.var('lon').put_att('long_name', 'Longitude')
(B    output.def_var('lat', "sfloat", [dimy])
(B    output.var('lat').put_att('units', 'degrees_north')
(B    output.var('lat').put_att('long_name', 'Latitude')
(B    output.def_var('level', "sfloat", [dimz])  if not plane.first.nil?
(B    output.var('level').put_att('units', 'millibar') if not plane.first.nil?
(B    output.var('level').put_att('long_name', 'Level') if not plane.first.nil?
(B    output.var('level').put_att('positive', 'down')  if not plane.first.nil?
(B    output.def_var('time', "sfloat", [dimt])
(B    output.var('time').put_att('units', 'hours')
(B    output.var('time').put_att('long_name', 'Time')
(B����ȡ��Ȥꤢ���� GrADS ��ɽ���Ǥ���褦�ˤʤ�ޤ�����
(Blon, lat, level �˴ؤ��ƤϤɤΥե������ۤ�Ʊ���Ǥ��礦����
(B��̤Ȥ���1ǯ1��1��00Z ����3���֤������Ȥ������ƤˤʤäƤ��ޤ���
(B�����餯����Ȥ� msm �Υǡ����ե����뤫����֤��ͤ��ɤ�� netcdf 
(B�ޤ������ ruby �����������ä����ȤϤʤ���netcdf �ե�������Խ���
(B�԰¤Ǥ����ä� 'level' �ι���դʤɡ��ɤʤ������Ƥ��������ʤ��Ǥ��礦����
(B�� �������ľ�ܲ��ɤ��Ƥ����Ф��꤬�����Ǥ����ġ�
(B ���� ���� �� �ɺҲʳص��Ѹ���� �����ɺҸ�������
(B e-mail : ssuzuki@xxxxxx  