2D thermal convection (Benard-Rayleigh problem)

- The left figure is temperature distribution of boussinesq fluid heated from lower boundary (Benard-Rayleigh problem).
- On the lower and upper boundary, temperature is fixed and tangential stress is equal to zero (free-slip boundary condition).
- The horizontal boundary condition is cyclic.
- Click figure to start movie.
- Source code

- The same as upper figure but with large horizontal domain.
- Click figure to start movie.
- Source code

- The left figure is temperature distribution of boussinesq fluid heated from lower boundary with constant heat flux.
- Click figure to start movie.
- The aspect ratio of convection cell becomes large as time goes on.
- Source code
- Chandrasekhar, S., 1961 : Hydrodynamic and Hdromagnetic stability. Oxford University Press.
- Ishiwatari, M., Takehiro, S., Hayashi, Y.-Y., 1994 : The effects of thermal conditions on the cell sizes of two-dimensional convection. J. Fluid Mech., 281, 33--50.