Program init


Generate Various Initial Data

Error Handling

Known Bugs


Future Plans


----- ��¤�λ��ȥ⥸�塼�� -----

use type_mod, only: STRING, INTKIND, REKIND, DBKIND
use nmlfile_mod, only: nmlfile_init, nmlfile_open, nmlfile_close
use constants_mod, only: constants_init, pi, R0

----- �ʻ��������⥸�塼�� -----

use grid_3d_mod,         only: grid_3d_init, im, jm, km, grid_3d_end
use grid_wavenumber_mod, only: grid_wavenumber_init, nm, grid_wavenumber_end

----- ��ɸ�ǡ��������⥸�塼�� -----

use axis_type_mod, only: AXISINFO
use axis_x_mod, only: axis_x_init, axis_x_weight, axis_x_spectral, axis_x_end
use axis_y_mod, only: axis_y_init, axis_y_weight, axis_y_spectral, axis_y_end
use axis_z_mod, only: axis_z_init, axis_z_sigmahalf_manual, axis_z_end

----- �ǡ���I/O�⥸�塼�� -----

use io_gt4_out_mod, only : io_gt4_out_init   , io_gt4_out_SetDims, &
     &                     io_gt4_out_SetVars, io_gt4_out_Put    , &
     &                     io_gt4_out_end

----- ��������⥸�塼�� -----

use time_mod, only: time_init, tvar, ttype, tname, tunit, time_end

----- SPMODEL �⥸�塼�� -----

use spml_mod,  only: spml_init, xya_wa, wa_Div_xya_xya &
     &              ,wa_LaplaInv_wa, wa_xya, xya_GradLat_wa, xya_GradLon_wa

----- �ǥХå������ѥġ��� -----

use dc_trace,  only: SetDebug, DbgMessage, BeginSub, EndSub, DataDump
use dc_string, only: toChar, StriEq, LChar, StrHead
use dc_message,only: MessageNotify


����ͤμ���������Ԥʤ��� ���� condition ��Ϳ����ͭ���ʤΤϰʲ����ͤǤ��롣

VelLonAve, VelLonAve, VelLatAve, VorAve, DivAve, TempAve, QVapAve, PsAve �ˤϡ����줾��ʿ���ͤ�Ϳ���롣

�ǥե���ȤǤ���®���鱲��ȯ�����������뤬�� VorDiv_Priority �� .true. �ˤ�����ǡ�����ȯ��������®���������롣

character(STRING) :: condition = ''      ! ����ͤμ���

real(DBKIND)      :: VelLonAve = 0.0d0   ! ®�ٷ�����ʬʿ����
real(DBKIND)      :: VelLatAve = 0.0d0   ! ®�ٰ�����ʬʿ����
real(DBKIND)      :: VorAve    = 0.0d0   ! ����ʿ����
real(DBKIND)      :: DivAve    = 0.0d0   ! ȯ��ʿ����
real(DBKIND)      :: TempAve   = 273.0d0 ! ����ʿ����
real(DBKIND)      :: QVapAve   = 0.0d0   ! �漾ʿ����
real(DBKIND)      :: PsAve     = 1.0d5   ! ��ɽ�̰���ʿ����

logical           :: VorDiv_Priority = .false. ! ����ȯ��������®������

!for 'rigid body rotation'
real(DBKIND)      :: VelLonMax_rbr = 1.0d2    ! Maximum of 'VelLon'

!for 'convex of surface pressure' or 'convex of temperature'
real(DBKIND)      :: LonLat_Radius_Deg  = 20.0   ! Ⱦ�� (�ٿ�)
real(DBKIND)      :: LonLat_Radius_Rad  = 0.349  ! Ⱦ�� (�饸����)

real(DBKIND)      :: Lat_Center_Deg = 45.0  ! ���٤��濴���� (�ٿ�)
real(DBKIND)      :: Lon_Center_Deg = 100.0 ! ���٤��濴���� (�ٿ�)
real(DBKIND)      :: Lat_Center_Rad = 0.785 ! ���٤��濴���� (�饸����)
real(DBKIND)      :: Lon_Center_Rad = 1.745 ! ���٤��濴���� (�饸����)

logical           :: Rad_Priority   = .false. ! �饸����ɽ����ͥ��

!for 'convex of surface pressure'
real(DBKIND)      :: PsMax   = -200.0d2       ! Maximum of 'Ps'

!for 'convex of temperature'
real(DBKIND)      :: TempMax = 10.0d0         ! Maximum of 'Temp'

namelist /init_nml/ &
     & condition           , & ! ����ͤμ���

     & VelLonAve           , & ! ®�ٷ�����ʬʿ����
     & VelLatAve           , & ! ®�ٰ�����ʬʿ����
     & VorAve              , & ! ����ʿ����        
     & DivAve              , & ! ȯ��ʿ����        
     & TempAve             , & ! ����ʿ����        
     & QVapAve             , & ! �漾ʿ����        
     & PsAve               , & ! ��ɽ�̰���ʿ����  

     & VorDiv_Priority     , & ! ����ȯ��������®������

     & VelLonMax_rbr       , & ! ®�ٷ�����ʬ (���β�žή��)

     & LonLat_Radius_Deg   , & ! Ⱦ�� (�ٿ�)
     & LonLat_Radius_Rad   , & ! Ⱦ�� (�饸����)

     & Lat_Center_Deg      , & ! ���٤��濴���� (�ٿ�)
     & Lon_Center_Deg      , & ! ���٤��濴���� (�ٿ�)
     & Lat_Center_Rad      , & ! ���٤��濴���� (�饸����)
     & Lon_Center_Rad      , & ! ���٤��濴���� (�饸����)

     & Rad_Priority        , & ! �饸����ɽ����ͥ��

     & PsMax               , & ! Maximum of 'Ps'

     & TempMax                 ! Maximum of 'Temp'