Module dycore_in_mod


gtool4 netCDF data Input module directly called by GCM run program.

Error Handling

Known Bugs


Future Plans

�ޤ��ƥ��ȥ����������ʤ��������⥸�塼��Ȳ����⥸�塼����ڤ�ʬ���� �٤������Τ�ʤ���ʬ��¿���ĤäƤ��롣 �����ڤ�ʬ������Ū�ˤϤ��٤��Ǥ��롣


use dycore_type_mod, only : STRING, DBKIND
use dycore_grid_mod, only : im, jm, km

Public Interface

public :: dycore_in_init, dycore_in_dims  ! subroutines
public :: dycore_in_vars, dycore_in_end   ! subroutines

Procedure Interface

Initialize module and acquire NAMELIST

�⥸�塼�����������NAMELIST �����ͤ�������롣 NAMELIST �����ͤ������Ǥ��ʤ���Τ˴ؤ��ƤϾ嵭�Υǥե�����ͤ� �Ѥ����롣

NAMELIST �ե�����ϡ��ᥤ��ץ������ˤ� nmlfile_mod �� nmlfile_init �ǻ��ꤵ��뤳�Ȥ����ꤵ��Ƥ��뤬�� �⤷�⤳�ν�����롼����������˻��ꤵ��Ƥ��ʤ���С� nmlfile_init �Υǥե���Ȥǻ��ꤵ��� NAMELIST �ե������ �ɤࡣ

subroutine dycore_in_init


use dycore_type_mod, only : STRING, DBKIND, INTKIND
use nmlfile_mod, only : nmlfile_init, nmlfile_open, nmlfile_close
use axis_x_mod, only: axis_x_init
use axis_y_mod, only: axis_y_init
use axis_z_mod, only: axis_z_init
use dc_trace,  only: BeginSub, EndSub, DbgMessage
use dc_message,only: MessageNotify
use dc_string, only: toChar


character(STRING) :: &

     & input_file = ''  , &  ! ����ͥե�����

     & vlonname   = 'vlon'     , &  ! ®�ٷ�����ʬ���ѿ�̾
     & vlatname   = 'vlat'     , &  ! ®�ٰ�����ʬ���ѿ�̾
     & vorname    = 'vor'      , &  ! ���٤��ѿ�̾
     & divname    = 'div'      , &  ! ȯ�����ѿ�̾
     & psname     = 'ps'       , &  ! ��ɽ�̵������ѿ�̾
     & tempname   = 'temp'     , &  ! ���٤��ѿ�̾
     & qvapname   = 'qvap'          ! �漾���ѿ�̾

real(DBKIND) :: input_time(2) = (/0,0/)  ! ���ϥǡ����λ���

namelist /dycore_in_nml/ &

     & input_file   , &  ! ����ͥե�����
     & input_time   , &  ! ���ϥǡ����λ��� (t-��t, t)

     & vlonname     , &  ! ®�ٷ�����ʬ���ѿ�̾
     & vlatname     , &  ! ®�ٰ�����ʬ���ѿ�̾
     & vorname      , &  ! ���٤��ѿ�̾
     & divname      , &  ! ȯ�����ѿ�̾
     & psname       , &  ! ��ɽ�̵������ѿ�̾
     & tempname     , &  ! ���٤��ѿ�̾
     & qvapname          ! �漾���ѿ�̾

Return Data and Information of Dimensions

axis_x_mod , axis_y_mod , axis_z_mod �����ɸ������������Dims �˳�Ǽ�����֤���

subroutine dycore_in_dims(Dims)


use dycore_type_mod, only: DYCORE_DIMS
use dycore_grid_mod, only: im, jm, km
use axis_x_mod, only: axis_x_spectral, axis_x_manual, axis_x_netcdf
use axis_y_mod, only: axis_y_spectral, axis_y_manual, axis_y_netcdf
use axis_z_mod, only: axis_z_manual, axis_z_netcdf, &
     &                axis_z_sigmahalf_manual, axis_z_sigmahalf_netcdf
use gt4_history,only: HistoryGetPointer
use dc_trace,   only: BeginSub, EndSub, DbgMessage
use dc_string,  only: toChar


type(DYCORE_DIMS), intent(out):: Dims  ! �����ǡ�������

Return Data and Information of Dimensions

dycore_in_init �� NAMELIST dycore_in_nml �ξ���˽������ѿ��ǡ����Υǡ��������Ϥ��ơ� Vars_B ����� Vars ���֤���

subroutine dycore_in_vars(Vars_B, Vars)


use dycore_type_mod, only: DYCORE_VARS
use dycore_grid_mod, only: im, jm, km
use gt4_history,     only: HistoryGetPointer
use dc_trace,        only: BeginSub, EndSub, DbgMessage
use dc_string,       only: toChar


type(DYCORE_VARS), intent(out):: Vars_B  ! �ʻ����ǡ������� (t-��t)
type(DYCORE_VARS), intent(out):: Vars    ! �ʻ����ǡ������� (t)

Terminate module

dycore_in_init �����ꤵ�줿�ͤ��˴����� �ǥե���Ȥ��ͤ��ᤷ�ޤ���

subroutine dycore_in_end


use dc_trace,  only: BeginSub, EndSub, DbgMessage
use dc_error,  only: StoreError, USR_ECHAR
use dc_string, only: toChar