K-H Instability

Creating a Sharp Boundary Layer
- In this experiment, you have to be careful not to mix
the salt and clear water when pouring them in. When
pouring the water in, putting the water tank at an
angle means that there is less surface area in
contact than when you have it flat, making it harder
for the two liquids to mix. Even if you get a little
mixing taking place, when you return the tank to
horizontal, the layers are stretched out in each
direction, giving you a clear boundary layer.
However, if you move the tank back to horizontal too
quickly, you can inadvertently cause a K-H
instability, so taking your time to return the tank
to horizontal slowly is important.
Taking Clear Pictures
- When taking photographs of transparent water tank, if
you light the tank from the front, the light reflects
off the surface of the tank, making for fuzzy
pictures. However, if you don't directly light the
tank at all, use only back lighting and take
photographs using the light that penetrates through,
even scratches etc. on the water tank no longer
become a problem.