Spline interpolation is used to give a functional form of specific heat. ¡ß means the specific heat obtained by data book, and a red line means the functional form of specific heat.
H2(g) | H2O(g) | NH3(g) |
N2(g) | H2S(g) | CH4(g) |
C2H2(g) | C2H4(g) | C2H6(g) |
[1] | The Chemical Society of Japan (Eds.) (1993), Chemical Handbook (Kagaku-Binran), 4th ed., Maruzen, Tokyo, in Japanese. |
[2] | American Chemical Soc, American Institute of Physics, National Bureau of Standards, 1986: JANAF Thermochemical Tables (3rd. Edition), Part I, II. American Chemical Society, |