Dennou Ruby Project
This page is the forum for those who use the object-oriented script language Ruby for data analyses, visualization, and numerical simulations for geophysical studies. As a loosely-organized project on the voluntary basis, we provide softwares and exchange information for these purposes. Join us to enrich the scientific use of Ruby!
- GPhys
- multi-dimensional physical data handling library. This library enables you to easily handle gridded data in NetCDF or GrADS format or on memory in a consolidated manner.
- Gfdnavi
- web based gridded data visualizer/analyzer for data in the fields of geophysical fluid.
- RubyDCL
- ruby wrapper of a scientific visualization library DCL
- RubyNetCDF
- ruby wrapper of NetCDF library
- and more...
- 地球流体科学におけるRubyの利用 (pdf, Japanese)
- Installation guide
- Tutorials
- Tips (Japanese)
- Doc links
Dennou Ruby Gadgets
Plese post programs that might be useful.
- Dennou Ruby Gadgets (Japanese)
- Workshop/Meeting (Japanese)
Mailing list
You can subscribe the mailing list by sending a command mail
as follows:
subscribe your name
but note that the traffic is mostly in Japanese. Contact T. Horinouchi
( )
if you are interested in. Also, I can forward your message to the mailing list.
- Archive (Japanese)
Softwares provided from this project are distributed freely under the same license condition as Ruby's unless explicitly specified. The copyright is held by the authors of each software and GFD Dennou Club.