DCL:GRPH1:SWPACK: Machine-Dependent Routines:Explanation of Subroutines: Internal Variable Handling Routines
Below are examples for use of standard graphics workstations (output devices) provided by DCL (X server, postscript, and Tek terminal)
Specify 'LKEY'=.TRUE., and then specify 'IPOSX' and 'IPOSY' so that a part of the graphics window and the window of the terminal emulator such as kterm overlaps. By placing the mouse cursor in this area beforehand, the controls can be made without moving your hands off the keyboard.
When a frame for a single page can be shown in a relatively short time, set 'LALT'=.TRUE. and 'LWAIT'=.FALSE., to enable display of animation.
When the above method is too time-consuming, set 'LDUMP'=.TRUE. and create an xwd file. Use the animate or video creation utilities to make the animation.
If 'LWAIT', 'LWAIT0', and 'LWAIT1' are all set as .FALSE., files will be created automatically, but since the X server is being used, the graphics will always be displayed first on the screen.
When you want to print many pages, set 'LPRINT'=.TURE. so that the data are sent to the printer page by page to avoid shortage in disk capacity.
Using a system with and independent printer server, will speed up the whole processing operation because the graphics program and the print job will be processed concurrently.
The X server may be used for monitoring lengthy jobs such as numerical experiments, but it is more convenient in most cases to output data to a printer since the user will not have to monitor the job continuously and it is easier to make comparisons of the results.
Even in such cases, by setting 'LPRINT'=.TURE., the data will be outputted at a page break so real-time monitoring can be made of the progress during the program execution.
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