Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences (FDEPS)
24th FDEPS workshop, Nov. 26 - Nov. 29, 2024 at Kansai Seminar House
第 24 回ワークショップ「地球惑星科学における流体力学」
- 日程:
2024 年 11 月 26 日(火)〜11 月 29 日(金)
- 共催:
- Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University (京都大学 数理解析研究所)
- Center for Planetary Science (CPS), Kobe University (神戸大学 惑星科学研究センター)
- 場所:
TEL:075-711-2115, FAX:075-701-5256
講師: David G. Dritschel (Professor of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Institute, University of St Andrews)
回転系の渦力学- 11/26(火)
- 9:00 - 12:00
Lecture 1. Fluid dynamics, vortex dynamics, and model building- The basics, with a twist or two
- What is a fluid?
- A brief history
- Vorticity
- Circulation and Potential Vorticity
- Balance and PV inversion
- Geophysical fluids
- Rossby and inertia–gravity waves
- Recasting the equations of motion
- The barotropic model
- Turbulence and self-organisation
- Modelling
- How do we do it?
- Modelling geophysical fluid dynamics
- From shallow water to quasi-geostrophy
- From 3D to shallow water
- Summary
- 講義動画 (Movies) [Lecture 1-a] [Lecture 1-b] [Lecture 1-c] [Lecture 1-d]
- スライド [slide PDF1]
- The basics, with a twist or two
- 14:00 - 17:00
Lecture 2. Vortex patch dynamics- V-states for the Euler equations
- Origins
- Contour Dynamics
- A brief history
- V-states for the quasi-geostrophic shallow-water equations
- V-states of opposite-signed (potential) vorticity
- V-states in 3D quasi-geostrophic flows
- Conclusions
- 講義動画 (Movies) [Lecture 2-a] [Lecture 2-b] [Lecture 2-c] [Lecture 2-d]
- スライド [slide PDF2]
- V-states for the Euler equations
- 夜間:<自由討論>
- 9:00 - 12:00
- 11/27(水)
- 9:00 - 12:00
Lecture 3. Balance, and imbalance in complex nonlinear geophysical and astrophysical flows- Diagnosing balance and imbalance
- Balance relations
- PV inversion
- Hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic shallow-water models revisited
- Conservation
- Numerical methods
- Linear waves
- Discussion
- 3D non-hydrostatic rotating stratified flows
- Re-casting the equations of motion
- Nonlinear QG balance
- Optimal PV balance
- An application to shallow-water MHD
- Conclusions
- 講義動画 (Movies) [Lecture 3-a] [lecture 3-b] [Lecture 3-c] [Lecture 3-d]
- スライド [slide PDF3]
- Diagnosing balance and imbalance
- 午後:<自由討論>
- 夜間:<自由討論>
- 9:00 - 12:00
- 11/28(木)
- 9:00 - 12:00
Lecture 4. Lagrangian-based approaches in GFD, and associated advanced numerical methodsGeophysical turbulence- Numerical models: overview
- Discretisation
- Alternative approaches: a survey
- Numerical models: focus
- Points vortices
- Contour Dynamics
- Contour Surgery
- Contour Advection
- CLAM: The Combined Lagrangian Advection Method
- Hydra — a multi-purpose software package
- EPIC: the Elliptical Parcel-In-Cell method
- Summary
- 講義動画 (Movies) [Lecture 4-a] [Lecture 4-b] [Lecture 4-c] [Lecture 4-d]
- スライド [slide PDF4]
- Numerical models: overview
- 14:00 - 17:00
Lecture 5. Fronts, jets and PV staircases in geophysical flows- Potential vorticity as a material tracer
- Linear and nonlinear stability of monotonic PV
- The Rhines scale
- Inhomogeneous mixing
- Jet spacing and PV staircases
- Small Rossby deformation length
- The ubiquity of PV staircases
- Recipe for jet formation in atmospheres and oceans
- Conclusions
- 講義動画 (Movies) [Lecture 5-a] [Lecture 5-b] [Lecture 5-c] [Lecture 5-d]
- スライド [slide PDF5]
- 夜間:<自由討論>
- 9:00 - 12:00
- 11/29(金) 研究セミナー
- 09:30 - 11:30
Research Seminar : Jet formation in topographically-forced spherical shallow water flowsBanded, quasi-zonal jets are a conspicuous feature of planetary atmospheres in the solar system, and likely common to planetary atmospheres beyond. The most dramatic examples occur in Jupiter's atmosphere, which exhibits a large number of alternating high-speed flows (jets), punctuated by intense vortices, the most famous and long-lived being the Great Red Spot. Research for decades has tried to unravel the fundamental mechanisms underpinning observed jet patterns in planetary atmospheres. We know that the planetary rotation plays a primary role, since idealised `barotropic' models which include only a thin fluid layer of constant depth can produce jet patterns. Such patterns arise both in freely-decaying turbulence and in forced turbulence. The fundamental mechanism at play is `inhomogeneous potential vorticity (PV) mixing'. The background rotating state has variable PV (`planetary vorticity') which supports Rossby waves. These waves only persist in linear theory; in the nonlinear dynamics, these waves tend to steepen and break, leading to mixing. This mixing locally reduces mean PV gradients. As Rossby waves depend on PV gradients for their restoring mechanism, weakening PV gradients means that Rossby waves in these regions have a greater tendency to steepen, break and mix. Hence, there is a positive feedback mechanism: mixing reduces PV gradients, which encourages further mixing and further reduction of PV gradients. This process is only limited by the available energy in the initial perturbations, or the amount of forcing and damping present. In the limit of weak forcing and damping, this process leads to `PV staircase' formation, a situation in which the planetary vorticity is re-arranged approximately into steps of uniform PV separated by near discontinuities. In this talk, new results are presented for specifically topographic-like forcing, thought to be most relevant to outer planetary atmospheres driven by convective storms from below. This type of forcing has long been advocated but rarely implemented. Instead, researchers have almost unanimously considered vorticity forcing, which however has weaker justification. Topographic-like forcing on the other hand generates imbalanced motions (inertia-gravity waves), and such waves have long been considered a highly-undesirable feature of numerical models of planetary atmospheres. To overcome these difficulties, we employ a state-of-the-art Lagrangian-based model based on `contour advection'. This model enables a comprehensive exploration of parameter space at ultra-high resolution. We thereby uncover the conditions which favour the formation of jets.
- 09:30 - 11:30
- Animations (Kd=5) [From equator] [From north pole] [From 30 degree latitude]
- Animations (Weak forcing, Vorticity) [From north pole] [From south pole]
- 講義動画 (Movies) [Seminar a] [Seminar b] [Seminar c]
- スライド [slide PDF6]
- 11/26(火)
- アニメーション一覧 (All animations)
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