Subroutine : |
xyz_Temp(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) : | real(DP), intent(inout)
: | $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
xyz_QVap(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) : | real(DP), intent(inout)
: | $ q $ . 比湿. Specific humidity
xyz_QH2OLiq(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) : | real(DP), intent(in )
: | $ q_w $ . 雲水混合比. Cloud water mixing ratio
xyz_DTempDt(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) : | real(DP), intent(inout)
: | 温度変化率. Temperature tendency
xyz_DQVapDt(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) : | real(DP), intent(inout)
: | 比湿変化率. Specific humidity tendency
xyz_Press(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) : | real(DP), intent(in)
: | $ p $ . 気圧 (整数レベル). Air pressure (full level)
xyr_Press(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) : | real(DP), intent(in)
: | $ hat{p} $ . 気圧 (半整数レベル). Air pressure (half level)
xyz_DQH2OLiqDt(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax) : | real(DP), intent(out)
subroutine SaturationAdjust( xyz_Temp, xyz_QVap, xyz_QH2OLiq, xyz_DTempDt, xyz_DQVapDt, xyz_Press, xyr_Press, xyz_DQH2OLiqDt )
! Adjust temperature and specific humidity by the use of saturation
! adjustment
! モジュール引用 ; USE statements
! 物理定数設定
! Physical constants settings
use constants, only: Grav, CpDry, LatentHeat, LatentHeatFusion
! $ L $ [J kg-1] .
! 融解の潜熱.
! Latent heat of fusion
! 時刻管理
! Time control
use timeset, only: DelTime, TimeN, TimesetClockStart, TimesetClockStop
! ヒストリデータ出力
! History data output
use gtool_historyauto, only: HistoryAutoPut
! 飽和比湿の算出
! Evaluate saturation specific humidity
use saturate, only: xyz_CalcQVapSat
! 大規模凝結 (非対流性凝結) (Manabe, 1965)
! Large scale condensation (non-convective condensation) (Le Treut and Li, 1991)
use lscond, only : LScaleCond
! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
implicit none
real(DP), intent(inout):: xyz_Temp (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
real(DP), intent(inout):: xyz_QVap (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! $ q $ . 比湿. Specific humidity
real(DP), intent(in ):: xyz_QH2OLiq(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! $ q_w $ . 雲水混合比. Cloud water mixing ratio
real(DP), intent(inout):: xyz_DTempDt (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! 温度変化率.
! Temperature tendency
real(DP), intent(inout):: xyz_DQVapDt (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! 比湿変化率.
! Specific humidity tendency
real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_Press (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! $ p $ . 気圧 (整数レベル).
! Air pressure (full level)
real(DP), intent(in):: xyr_Press (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
! $ \hat{p} $ . 気圧 (半整数レベル).
! Air pressure (half level)
real(DP), intent(out) :: xyz_DQH2OLiqDt(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax)
! 作業変数
! Work variables
real(DP):: xyz_QVapSat (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! 飽和比湿.
! Saturation specific humidity.
real(DP):: xy_RainLsc (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
! 降水量.
! Precipitation
real(DP):: xyz_DTempDtLsc (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! 温度変化率.
! Temperature tendency
real(DP):: xyz_DQVapDtLsc (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! 比湿変化率.
! Specific humidity tendency
real(DP):: xyz_QVapB (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! 調節前の比湿.
! Specific humidity before adjust.
real(DP):: xyz_QH2OLiqB (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! 調節前の雲水混合比.
! Mixing ratio of cloud water before adjust.
real(DP):: xyz_TempB (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
! 調節前の温度.
! Temperature before adjust.
real(DP):: xyz_RainLSC(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
real(DP):: xyz_EvapQH2OLiq(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
real(DP):: TempTentative
real(DP):: LatentHeatLocal
! Latent heat used in this routine
integer:: i
integer:: j
integer:: k ! 鉛直方向に回る DO ループ用作業変数
! Work variables for DO loop in vertical direction
! 実行文 ; Executable statement
! 初期化確認
! Initialization check
if ( .not. saturation_adjust_inited ) then
call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
end if
! 計算時間計測開始
! Start measurement of computation time
call TimesetClockStart( module_name )
! Set a value for latent heat
if ( FlagSublimation ) then
LatentHeatLocal = LatentHeat + LatentHeatFusion
LatentHeatLocal = LatentHeat
end if
! 調節前 "QVap", "QH2OLiq", "Temp" の保存
! Store "QVap", "QH2OLiq", "Temp" before adjustment
xyz_QVapB = xyz_QVap
xyz_QH2OLiqB = xyz_QH2OLiq
xyz_TempB = xyz_Temp
! 飽和比湿計算
! Calculate saturation specific humidity
xyz_QVapSat = xyz_CalcQVapSat( xyz_Temp, xyz_Press )
! Evaporate all of cloud liquid water temporarily
!!$ xyz_EvapQH2OLiq = xyz_QH2OLiq
! Evaporate part of cloud liquid water temporarily
do k = 1, kmax
do j = 1, jmax
do i = 0, imax-1
xyz_EvapQH2OLiq(i,j,k) = min( max( xyz_QVapSat(i,j,k), xyz_QVap(i,j,k) ) - xyz_QVap(i,j,k), xyz_QH2OLiq(i,j,k) )
xyz_EvapQH2OLiq(i,j,k) = xyz_EvapQH2OLiq(i,j,k) * ( 1.0_DP - 1.0e-10_DP )
TempTentative = xyz_Temp(i,j,k) - LatentHeatLocal * xyz_EvapQH2OLiq(i,j,k) / CpDry
if ( TempTentative < 1.0_DP ) then
TempTentative = 1.0_DP
xyz_EvapQH2OLiq(i,j,k) = ( xyz_Temp(i,j,k) - TempTentative ) / ( LatentHeatLocal / CpDry )
end if
end do
end do
end do
xyz_DTempDt = xyz_DTempDt - LatentHeatLocal * xyz_EvapQH2OLiq / CpDry / ( 2.0_DP * DelTime )
xyz_DQVapDt = xyz_DQVapDt + xyz_EvapQH2OLiq / ( 2.0_DP * DelTime )
xyz_Temp = xyz_Temp - LatentHeatLocal * xyz_EvapQH2OLiq / CpDry
xyz_QVap = xyz_QVap + xyz_EvapQH2OLiq
! QH2OLiq will be updated in cloud model. Tendency will be updated below.
!!$ xyz_QH2OLiq = 0.0_DP
call LScaleCond( xyz_Temp, xyz_QVap, xyz_DTempDt, xyz_DQVapDt, xyz_Press, xyr_Press, xyz_DQH2OLiqDt, .false. )
! 比湿変化率, 温度変化率, 降水量の算出
! Calculate specific humidity tendency, temperature tendency,
! precipitation
xyz_DQVapDtLsc = ( xyz_QVap - xyz_QVapB ) / ( 2.0_DP * DelTime )
xyz_DTempDtLsc = ( xyz_Temp - xyz_TempB ) / ( 2.0_DP * DelTime )
!!$ xyz_DTempDt = xyz_DTempDt + xyz_DTempDtLsc
!!$ xyz_DQVapDt = xyz_DQVapDt + xyz_DQVapDtLsc
xyz_DQH2OLiqDt = xyz_DQH2OLiqDt - xyz_EvapQH2OLiq / ( 2.0_DP * DelTime )
! calculation for output
xy_RainLsc = 0.0_DP
do k = kmax, 1, -1
xy_RainLsc = xy_RainLsc + xyz_DQH2OLiqDt(:,:,k) * ( xyr_Press(:,:,k-1) - xyr_Press(:,:,k) ) / Grav
end do
! ヒストリデータ出力
! History data output
call HistoryAutoPut( TimeN, 'RainLsc', xy_RainLsc )
call HistoryAutoPut( TimeN, 'DTempDtLsc', xyz_DTempDtLsc )
call HistoryAutoPut( TimeN, 'DQVapDtLsc', xyz_DQVapDtLsc )
! 計算時間計測一時停止
! Pause measurement of computation time
call TimesetClockStop( module_name )
end subroutine SaturationAdjust