Class intavr_operate
In: util/intavr_operate.F90


Operation for integral and average

Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel.

ç©����§ç������座æ����¿ã����������ç©�����å¹³å����ä½����������¢æ�°ã����ä¾����¾ã��. SPMODEL ���¤ã������ �� w_integral_module.f90 ��������������¾ã����.

Functions for integral or average operation with weight for integration are provided This program is created referring to "w_integral_module.f90" in SPMODEL library

Procedures List

IntLonLat_xy :ç·�º¦çµ�åº����
!$ ! y_IntLon_xy, IntLon_x :�����
!$ ! ya_IntLon_xya :����� (�層�)
!$ ! x_IntLat_xy, IntLat_y :ç·�º¦ç©���
!$ ! xa_IntLat_xya :ç·�º¦ç©��� (å¤�層ç��)
!$ ! AvrLonLat_xy :ç·�º¦çµ�åº�¹³��
!$ ! y_AvrLon_xy, AvrLon_x :çµ�åº�¹³��
!$ ! ya_AvrLon_xya :çµ�åº�¹³�� (å¤�層ç��)
!$ ! x_AvrLat_xy, AvrLat_y :ç·�º¦å¹³å��
!$ ! xa_AvrLat_xya :ç·�º¦å¹³å�� (å¤�層ç��)
——————— :———————
y_IntLon_xy, IntLon_x :Meridional integral
!$ ! ya_IntLon_xya :Meridional integral (for multi layer)
!$ ! x_IntLat_xy, IntLat_y :Zonal integral
!$ ! xa_IntLat_xya :Zonal integral (for multi layer)
!$ ! AvrLonLat_xy :Zonal and meridional average
!$ ! y_AvrLon_xy, AvrLon_x :Meridional average
!$ ! ya_AvrLon_xya :Meridional average (for multi layer)
!$ ! x_AvrLat_xy, AvrLat_y :Zonal average
!$ ! xa_AvrLat_xya :Zonal average (for multi layer)


Included Modules

axesset gridset dc_types dc_message mpi_wrapper

Public Instance methods

Function :
IntLonLat_xy :real(DP)
xy_Data(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in)

2 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��������ç©���(1 層ç��).

å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� x_Lon_Weight, y_Lat_Weight �������� ç·����è¨�ç®���������.

Global integration of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude) grid data.

Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated by multiplying in each grid "x_Lon_Weight" and "y_Lat_Weight".


  function IntLonLat_xy( xy_Data )
    ! 2 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��������ç©���(1 層ç��). 
    ! å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� x_Lon_Weight, y_Lat_Weight ��������
    ! ��������������. 
    ! Global integration of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude)
    ! grid data.
    ! Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated
    ! by multiplying in each grid "x_Lon_Weight" and "y_Lat_Weight".

    real(DP), intent(in) :: xy_Data (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
    real(DP)             :: IntLonLat_xy

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    IntLonLat_xy = IntLat_y( y_IntLon_xy( xy_Data ) )

  end function IntLonLat_xy
Function :
a_IntLonLat_xya(size(xya_Data,3)) :real(DP)
xya_Data(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)

2 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��������ç©���(1 層ç��).

å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� x_Lon_Weight, y_Lat_Weight �������� ç·����è¨�ç®���������.

Global integration of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude) grid data.

Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated by multiplying in each grid "x_Lon_Weight" and "y_Lat_Weight".


  function a_IntLonLat_xya( xya_Data )
    ! 2 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��������ç©���(1 層ç��). 
    ! å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� x_Lon_Weight, y_Lat_Weight ��������
    ! ��������������. 
    ! Global integration of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude)
    ! grid data.
    ! Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated
    ! by multiplying in each grid "x_Lon_Weight" and "y_Lat_Weight".

    real(DP), intent(in) :: xya_Data       (:,:,:)
    real(DP)             :: a_IntLonLat_xya(size(xya_Data,3))

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    a_IntLonLat_xya = a_IntLat_ya( ya_IntLon_xya( xya_Data ) )

  end function a_IntLonLat_xya
Variable :
intavr_operate_inited = .false. :logical, save, public
: ����設������. Initialization flag

Private Instance methods

Subroutine :

intavr_operate �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã������������è¡����¾ã��. NAMELIST#intavr_operate_nml ����¿è¾¼�¿ã��������ç¶����§è�����¾ã��.

"intavr_operate" module is initialized. "NAMELIST#intavr_operate_nml" is loaded in this procedure.


  subroutine IntAvrOprInit
    ! intavr_operate �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã������������è¡����¾ã��. 
    ! NAMELIST#intavr_operate_nml ����¿è¾¼�¿ã��������ç¶����§è�����¾ã��. 
    ! "intavr_operate" module is initialized. 
    ! "NAMELIST#intavr_operate_nml" is loaded in this procedure. 

    ! �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã����� ; USE statements

    ! 宣�� ; Declaration statements

!!$    integer:: unit_nml        ! NAMELIST ���¡ã�¤ã�����¼ã���³ç���ç½����. 
!!$                              ! Unit number for NAMELIST file open
!!$    integer:: iostat_nml      ! NAMELIST 読ã�¿è¾¼�¿æ���� IOSTAT. 
!!$                              ! IOSTAT of NAMELIST read

    ! NAMELIST å¤��°ç¾¤
    ! NAMELIST group name
!!$    namelist /intavr_operate_nml/
          ! �����������¤ã���¤ã��������������ç¶� "intavr_operate#IntAvrOprInit" 
          ! ���½ã�¼ã�¹ã�³ã�¼ã�������§ã������. 
          ! Refer to source codes in the initialization procedure
          ! "intavr_operate#IntAvrOprInit" for the default values. 

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    if ( intavr_operate_inited ) return

    ! �����������¤ã��¨­å®�
    ! Default values settings

!!$    ! NAMELIST ����¿è¾¼��
!!$    ! NAMELIST is input
!!$    !
!!$    if ( trim(namelist_filename) /= '' ) then
!!$      call FileOpen( unit_nml, &          ! (out)
!!$        & namelist_filename, mode = 'r' ) ! (in)
!!$      rewind( unit_nml )
!!$      read( unit_nml, &           ! (in)
!!$        & nml = intavr_operate_nml, &  ! (out)
!!$        & iostat = iostat_nml )   ! (out)
!!$      close( unit_nml )
!!$      call NmlutilMsg( iostat_nml, module_name ) ! (in)
!!$    end if

    ! �°å� ; Print
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '----- Initialization Messages -----' )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '-- version = %c', c1 = trim(version) )
    intavr_operate_inited = .true.
  end subroutine IntAvrOprInit
Function :
IntLat_y :real(DP)
y_Data(1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in)

1 次å��ç·�º¦�¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��·¯åº��¹å��ç©���(1 層ç��).

å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� y_Lat_Weight �������� ç·����è¨�ç®���������.

Meridonal integration of 1-dimensional (latitude) grid data.

Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated by multiplying in each grid "y_Lat_Weight".


  function IntLat_y( y_Data )
    ! 1 次å��ç·�º¦�¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��·¯åº��¹å��ç©���(1 層ç��). 
    ! å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� y_Lat_Weight ��������
    ! ��������������. 
    ! Meridonal integration of 1-dimensional (latitude)
    ! grid data.
    ! Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated
    ! by multiplying in each grid "y_Lat_Weight".
    real(DP), intent(in) :: y_Data (1:jmax)
    real(DP)             :: IntLat_y

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables

    ! ���� ; Executable statement
    IntLat_y = sum( y_Data * y_Lat_Weight )

  end function IntLat_y
Function :
IntLat_y :real(DP)
y_Data(1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in)

1 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��������å¹³å��(1 層ç��).

Global mean of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude) grid data.


  function IntLat_y( y_Data )
    ! 1 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��������å¹³å��(1 層ç��). 
    ! Global mean of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude)
    ! grid data.

    ! MPI
    use mpi_wrapper, only: nprocs, myrank, MPIWrapperISend, MPIWrapperIRecv, MPIWrapperWait

    ! �¼å��¹æ�°ã�»æ��大波�°è¨­å®�
    ! Number of grid points and maximum truncated wavenumber settings
    use gridset, only: a_jmax, jmax_max

    real(DP), intent(in) :: y_Data (1:jmax)
    real(DP)             :: IntLat_y

    ! Local variable
    real(DP), allocatable :: a_SendBuf (:)
    real(DP), allocatable :: aa_RecvBuf(:,:)
    integer , allocatable :: a_iReqSend(:)
    integer , allocatable :: a_iReqRecv(:)

    integer               :: j
    integer               :: n

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    allocate( a_SendBuf (1:jmax_max) )
    allocate( aa_RecvBuf(1:jmax_max,0:nprocs-1) )
    allocate( a_iReqSend(0:nprocs-1) )
    allocate( a_iReqRecv(0:nprocs-1) )

    do j = 1, jmax
      a_SendBuf(j) = y_Data(j) * y_Lat_Weight(j)
    end do
    do j = jmax+1, jmax_max
      a_SendBuf(j) = -1.0_DP
    end do

    do n = 0, nprocs-1
      if ( n == myrank ) then
        aa_RecvBuf(:,n) = a_SendBuf
        call MPIWrapperISend( n, jmax_max, a_SendBuf      , a_iReqSend(n) )
        call MPIWrapperIRecv( n, jmax_max, aa_RecvBuf(:,n), a_iReqRecv(n) )
      end if
    end do
    do n = 0, nprocs-1
      if ( n == myrank ) cycle
      call MPIWrapperWait( a_iReqSend(n) )
      call MPIWrapperWait( a_iReqRecv(n) )
    end do

    IntLat_y = 0.0d0
    do n = nprocs-1, 0, -1
      do j = 1, a_jmax(n) / 2
        IntLat_y = IntLat_y + aa_RecvBuf(j,n)
      end do
    end do
    do n = 0, nprocs-1
      do j = a_jmax(n) / 2 + 1, a_jmax(n)
        IntLat_y = IntLat_y + aa_RecvBuf(j,n)
      end do
    end do

    deallocate( a_SendBuf  )
    deallocate( aa_RecvBuf )
    deallocate( a_iReqSend )
    deallocate( a_iReqRecv )

  end function IntLat_y
Function :
a_IntLat_ya(size(ya_Data,2)) :real(DP)
ya_Data(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)

1 次å��ç·�º¦�¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��·¯åº��¹å��ç©���(1 層ç��).

å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� y_Lat_Weight �������� ç·����è¨�ç®���������.

Meridonal integration of 1-dimensional (latitude) grid data.

Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated by multiplying in each grid "y_Lat_Weight".


  function a_IntLat_ya( ya_Data )
    ! 1 次å��ç·�º¦�¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��·¯åº��¹å��ç©���(1 層ç��). 
    ! å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� y_Lat_Weight ��������
    ! ��������������. 
    ! Meridonal integration of 1-dimensional (latitude)
    ! grid data.
    ! Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated
    ! by multiplying in each grid "y_Lat_Weight".
    real(DP), intent(in) :: ya_Data    (:,:)
    real(DP)             :: a_IntLat_ya(size(ya_Data,2))

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables
    integer :: lmax
    integer :: l

    ! ���� ; Executable statement
    lmax = size(ya_Data,2)

    do l = 1, lmax
      a_IntLat_ya(l) = sum( ya_Data(:,l) * y_Lat_Weight )
    end do

  end function a_IntLat_ya
Function :
a_IntLat_ya(size(ya_Data,2)) :real(DP)
ya_Data(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)

1 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��������å¹³å��(1 層ç��).

Global mean of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude) grid data.


  function a_IntLat_ya( ya_Data )
    ! 1 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã��������å¹³å��(1 層ç��). 
    ! Global mean of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude)
    ! grid data.

    ! MPI
    use mpi_wrapper, only: nprocs, myrank, MPIWrapperISend, MPIWrapperIRecv, MPIWrapperWait

    ! �¼å��¹æ�°ã�»æ��大波�°è¨­å®�
    ! Number of grid points and maximum truncated wavenumber settings
    use gridset, only: a_jmax, jmax_max

    real(DP), intent(in) :: ya_Data (:,:)
    real(DP)             :: a_IntLat_ya(size(ya_Data,2))

    ! Local variable
    integer               :: lmax
    real(DP), allocatable :: aa_SendBuf (:,:)
    real(DP), allocatable :: aaa_RecvBuf(:,:,:)
    integer , allocatable :: a_iReqSend (:)
    integer , allocatable :: a_iReqRecv (:)

    integer               :: j
    integer               :: l
    integer               :: n

    ! ���� ; Executable statement
    lmax = size(ya_Data,2)

    allocate( aa_SendBuf (1:jmax_max, 1:lmax) )
    allocate( aaa_RecvBuf(1:jmax_max, 1:lmax, 0:nprocs-1) )
    allocate( a_iReqSend(0:nprocs-1) )
    allocate( a_iReqRecv(0:nprocs-1) )

    do l = 1, lmax
      do j = 1, jmax
        aa_SendBuf(j,l) = ya_Data(j,l) * y_Lat_Weight(j)
      end do
      do j = jmax+1, jmax_max
        aa_SendBuf(j,l) = -1.0_DP
      end do
    end do

    do n = 0, nprocs-1
      if ( n == myrank ) then
        aaa_RecvBuf(:,:,n) = aa_SendBuf
        call MPIWrapperISend( n, jmax_max, lmax, aa_SendBuf        , a_iReqSend(n) )
        call MPIWrapperIRecv( n, jmax_max, lmax, aaa_RecvBuf(:,:,n), a_iReqRecv(n) )
      end if
    end do
    do n = 0, nprocs-1
      if ( n == myrank ) cycle
      call MPIWrapperWait( a_iReqSend(n) )
      call MPIWrapperWait( a_iReqRecv(n) )
    end do

    a_IntLat_ya = 0.0_DP
    do n = nprocs-1, 0, -1
      do l = 1, lmax
        do j = 1, a_jmax(n) / 2
          a_IntLat_ya(l) = a_IntLat_ya(l) + aaa_RecvBuf(j,l,n)
        end do
      end do
    end do
    do n = 0, nprocs-1
      do l = 1, lmax
        do j = a_jmax(n) / 2 + 1, a_jmax(n)
          a_IntLat_ya(l) = a_IntLat_ya(l) + aaa_RecvBuf(j,l,n)
        end do
      end do
    end do

    deallocate( aa_SendBuf  )
    deallocate( aaa_RecvBuf )
    deallocate( a_iReqSend  )
    deallocate( a_iReqRecv  )

  end function a_IntLat_ya
Constant :
module_name = ‘intavr_operate :character(*), parameter
: �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã������ç§�. Module name
Constant :
version = ’$Name: $’ // ’$Id: intavr_operate.F90,v 1.6 2014/05/07 09:39:23 murashin Exp $’ :character(*), parameter
: �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã�������¼ã�¸ã�§ã�� Module version
Function :
y_IntLon_xy(1:jmax) :real(DP)
xy_Data(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in)

2 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã���åº��¹å��ç©���(1 層ç��).

å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� x_Lon_Weight �������� ç·����è¨�ç®���������.

Zonal integration of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude) grid data.

Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated by multiplying in each grid "x_Lon_Weight".


  function y_IntLon_xy( xy_Data )
    ! 2 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã���åº��¹å��ç©���(1 層ç��). 
    ! å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� x_Lon_Weight ��������
    ! ��������������. 
    ! Zonal integration of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude)
    ! grid data.
    ! Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated
    ! by multiplying in each grid "x_Lon_Weight".

    real(DP), intent(in) :: xy_Data (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
    real(DP)             :: y_IntLon_xy (1:jmax)

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables
    integer:: i               ! çµ�åº��¹å�������� DO ���¼ã�����業å���
                              ! Work variables for DO loop in longitudinal direction
    integer:: j               ! ç·�º¦�¹å�������� DO ���¼ã�����業å���
                              ! Work variables for DO loop in latitudinal direction

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    y_IntLon_xy = 0.0_DP
    do j = 1, jmax
      do i = 0, imax - 1
        y_IntLon_xy(j) = y_IntLon_xy(j) + xy_Data (i,j) * x_Lon_Weight(i)
      end do
    end do

  end function y_IntLon_xy
Function :
ya_IntLon_xya(size(xya_Data,2), size(xya_Data,3)) :real(DP)
xya_Data(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)

2 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã���åº��¹å��ç©���(1 層ç��).

å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� x_Lon_Weight �������� ç·����è¨�ç®���������.

Zonal integration of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude) grid data.

Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated by multiplying in each grid "x_Lon_Weight".


  function ya_IntLon_xya( xya_Data )
    ! 2 次å��ç·�º¦çµ�åº��¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿ã���åº��¹å��ç©���(1 層ç��). 
    ! å®��������¼å��¹ã���¼ã�¿å���¹æ��� x_Lon_Weight ��������
    ! ��������������. 
    ! Zonal integration of 2-dimensional (latitude and longitude)
    ! grid data.
    ! Practically, the sum total of grid data is calculated
    ! by multiplying in each grid "x_Lon_Weight".

    real(DP), intent(in) :: xya_Data     (:,:,:)
    real(DP)             :: ya_IntLon_xya(size(xya_Data,2), size(xya_Data,3))

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables
    integer:: lmax
    integer:: i               ! çµ�åº��¹å�������� DO ���¼ã�����業å���
                              ! Work variables for DO loop in longitudinal direction
    integer:: j               ! ç·�º¦�¹å�������� DO ���¼ã�����業å���
                              ! Work variables for DO loop in latitudinal direction
    integer:: l

    ! ���� ; Executable statement
    lmax = size( xya_Data, 3 )

    ya_IntLon_xya = 0.0_DP
    do l = 1, lmax
      do j = 1, jmax
        do i = 0, imax - 1
!!$          ya_IntLon_xya(j,l) = ya_IntLon_xya(j,l) + xya_Data(i,j,l) * x_Lon_Weight(i)
          ya_IntLon_xya(j,l) = ya_IntLon_xya(j,l) + xya_Data(i+1,j,l) * x_Lon_Weight(i)
        end do
      end do
    end do

  end function ya_IntLon_xya