Class rad_rte_nonscat
In: radiation/rad_rte_nonscat.f90


Radiative transfer equation without considering scattering

Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel.

Procedures List

!$ ! RadDTempDt :�¾å����������¹ã������æ¸�º¦å¤������ç®�
!$ ! RadFluxOutput :�¾å����������¹ã���ºå��
!$ ! ———— :————
!$ ! RadDTempDt :Calculate temperature tendency with radiation flux
!$ ! RadFluxOutput :Output radiation fluxes




Included Modules

dc_types constants0 constants gridset dc_message planck_func namelist_util dc_iounit gtool_historyauto dc_string gauss_quad

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
xyz_IntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated Planck function
xy_SurfIntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
xy_IntDPFDT1(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
xy_SurfIntDPFDT(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function with surface temperature
xyrr_Trans(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: ������. Transmission coefficient
xyr_RadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Upward longwave flux
xyr_RadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Downward longwave flux
xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Upward longwave flux derivative
xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Downward longwave flux derivative


Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering


  subroutine RadRTENonScat( xyz_IntPF, xy_SurfIntPF, xy_IntDPFDT1, xy_SurfIntDPFDT, xyrr_Trans, xyr_RadLUwFlux, xyr_RadLDwFlux, xyra_DelRadLUwFlux, xyra_DelRadLDwFlux )
    ! �£ä¹±�������´å�����¾å�ä¼����¹ç�å¼���ç®�
    ! Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering

    ! �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã����� ; USE statements

    ! 宣�� ; Declaration statements

    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_IntPF        (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfIntPF     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_IntDPFDT1     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfIntDPFDT  (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
                              ! with surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyrr_Trans   (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! ������. 
                              ! Transmission coefficient
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux derivative
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux derivative

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables
    integer:: k, kk           ! ���´æ�¹å�������� DO ���¼ã�����業å���
                              ! Work variables for DO loop in vertical direction

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. rad_rte_nonscat_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! �¾å����������¹è�ç®�
    ! Calculate radiation flux

    !   Initialization
    xyr_RadLDwFlux = 0.0_DP
    xyr_RadLUwFlux = 0.0_DP
    !   Downward flux
    do k = kmax, 0, -1

      do kk = kmax, k+1, -1
        xyr_RadLDwFlux(:,:,k) = xyr_RadLDwFlux(:,:,k) + xyz_IntPF(:,:,kk) * ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kk-1) - xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kk) )
      end do

    end do
    !   Upward flux
    !     Set upward flux
    do k = 0, kmax

      xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k) = xy_SurfIntPF * xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0)

      do kk = 1, k
        xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k) = xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k) - xyz_IntPF(:,:,kk) * ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kk-1) - xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kk) )
      end do

    end do

    ! �¾å����������¹ã����������ç®�
    ! Calculate rate of change of radiative flux
    do k = 0, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,0) = xy_SurfIntDPFDT * xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0)
    end do
    k = 0
    xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,1) = 0.0_DP
    do k = 1, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,1) = - xy_IntDPFDT1(:,:) * ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0) - xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,1) )
    end do
    do k = 0, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,0) = 0.0_DP
    end do
    k = 0
    xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = + xy_IntDPFDT1(:,:) * ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0) - xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,1) )
    do k = 1, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = 0.0_DP
    end do

  end subroutine RadRTENonScat
Subroutine :

rad_rte_nonscat �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã������������è¡����¾ã��. NAMELIST#rad_rte_nonscat_nml ����¿è¾¼�¿ã��������ç¶����§è�����¾ã��.

"rad_rte_nonscat" module is initialized. "NAMELIST#rad_rte_nonscat_nml" is loaded in this procedure.

This procedure input/output NAMELIST#rad_rte_nonscat_nml .


  subroutine RadRTENonScatInit
    ! rad_rte_nonscat �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã������������è¡����¾ã��. 
    ! NAMELIST#rad_rte_nonscat_nml ����¿è¾¼�¿ã��������ç¶����§è�����¾ã��. 
    ! "rad_rte_nonscat" module is initialized. 
    ! "NAMELIST#rad_rte_nonscat_nml" is loaded in this procedure. 

    ! �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã����� ; USE statements

    ! NAMELIST ���¡ã�¤ã���¥å�����¢ã�������¼ã���£ã������
    ! Utilities for NAMELIST file input
    use namelist_util, only: namelist_filename, NmlutilMsg, NmlutilAryValid

    ! ���¡ã�¤ã���¥å�ºå��è£���
    ! File I/O support
    use dc_iounit, only: FileOpen

    ! ���¹ã�������¼ã�¿å�ºå��
    ! History data output
    use gtool_historyauto, only: HistoryAutoAddVariable

    ! ��������
    ! Character handling
    use dc_string, only: toChar

    ! �����¹é����, ���¹ã���ç®�
    ! Calculate Gauss node and Gaussian weight
    use gauss_quad, only : GauLeg

    ! 宣�� ; Declaration statements

    integer:: unit_nml        ! NAMELIST ���¡ã�¤ã�����¼ã���³ç���ç½����. 
                              ! Unit number for NAMELIST file open
    integer:: iostat_nml      ! NAMELIST 読ã�¿è¾¼�¿æ���� IOSTAT. 
                              ! IOSTAT of NAMELIST read

    ! NAMELIST å¤��°ç¾¤
    ! NAMELIST group name
    namelist /rad_rte_nonscat_nml/ DiffFact, NumGaussNodeZAInt
          ! �����������¤ã���¤ã��������������ç¶� "rad_rte_nonscat#RadRTENonScatInit" 
          ! ���½ã�¼ã�¹ã�³ã�¼ã�������§ã������. 
          ! Refer to source codes in the initialization procedure
          ! "rad_rte_nonscat#RadRTENonScatInit" for the default values. 

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    if ( rad_rte_nonscat_inited ) return

    ! �����������¤ã��¨­å®�
    ! Default values settings
    NumGaussNodeZAInt = 3
    DiffFact          = 1.66_DP

    ! NAMELIST ����¿è¾¼��
    ! NAMELIST is input
    if ( trim(namelist_filename) /= '' ) then
      call FileOpen( unit_nml, namelist_filename, mode = 'r' ) ! (in)

      rewind( unit_nml )
      read( unit_nml, nml = rad_rte_nonscat_nml, iostat = iostat_nml )             ! (out)
      close( unit_nml )

      call NmlutilMsg( iostat_nml, module_name ) ! (in)
    end if

    if ( NumGaussNodeZAInt > 0 ) then
      allocate( a_CosZA      ( NumGaussNodeZAInt ) )
      allocate( a_GaussWeight( NumGaussNodeZAInt ) )
      call GauLeg( 0.0_DP, 1.0_DP, NumGaussNodeZAInt, a_CosZA, a_GaussWeight )
    end if

    ! �°å� ; Print
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '----- Initialization Messages -----' )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'NumGaussNodeZAInt = %d', i = (/ NumGaussNodeZAInt /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'DiffFact          = %f', d = (/ DiffFact /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '-- version = %c', c1 = trim(version) )

    rad_rte_nonscat_inited = .true.

  end subroutine RadRTENonScatInit
Subroutine :
xy_SurfAlbedo(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
xyr_IntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated Planck function
xy_SurfIntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
xy_IntDPFDT1(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
xy_SurfIntDPFDT(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function with surface temperature
xyz_OptDep(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: ���������. Optical depth
xyr_RadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Upward longwave flux
xyr_RadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Downward longwave flux
xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Upward longwave flux derivative
xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Downward longwave flux derivative


Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering


  subroutine RadRTENonScatMonoSemiAnal( xy_SurfAlbedo, xyr_IntPF, xy_SurfIntPF, xy_IntDPFDT1, xy_SurfIntDPFDT, xyz_OptDep, xyr_RadLUwFlux, xyr_RadLDwFlux, xyra_DelRadLUwFlux, xyra_DelRadLDwFlux )
    ! �£ä¹±�������´å�����¾å�ä¼����¹ç�å¼���ç®�
    ! Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering

    ! �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã����� ; USE statements

    ! 宣�� ; Declaration statements

    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfAlbedo    (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyr_IntPF        (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfIntPF     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_IntDPFDT1     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfIntDPFDT  (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
                              ! with surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_OptDep   (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! ���������. 
                              ! Optical depth
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux derivative
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux derivative

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables
    real(DP) :: CosZA
    real(DP) :: GaussWeight

    real(DP) :: xyz_TransEachLayer0(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
    real(DP) :: xyz_TransEachLayer (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! ������. 
                              ! Transmission coefficient
    real(DP) :: xyr_Trans0(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! Transmission coefficient from surface to layer interfaces
    real(DP) :: xyr_Trans1(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! Transmission coefficient from top of the lowest layer to layer interfaces

    real(DP) :: xyz_DPFDOptDep(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)

    real(DP) :: xyr_UwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
    real(DP) :: xyr_DwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
    real(DP) :: xyra_DelUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
    real(DP) :: xyra_DelDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)

    real(DP) :: IntFact

    integer:: i
    integer:: j
    integer:: k               ! ���´æ�¹å�������� DO ���¼ã�����業å���
                              ! Work variables for DO loop in vertical direction
    integer:: n

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. rad_rte_nonscat_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! �¾å����������¹è�ç®�
    ! Calculate radiation flux

    xyz_TransEachLayer0 = exp( - xyz_OptDep )
    !  This is ad hoc treatment to avoid underflow.
    do k = 1, kmax
      do j = 1, jmax
        do i = 0, imax-1
          if ( xyz_TransEachLayer0(i,j,k) < 1.0e-50_DP ) then
            xyz_TransEachLayer0(i,j,k) = 0.0_DP
          end if
        end do
      end do
    end do

    do k = 1, kmax
      xyz_DPFDOptDep(:,:,k) = ( xyr_IntPF(:,:,k-1) - xyr_IntPF(:,:,k) ) / max( xyz_OptDep(:,:,k), 1.0d-100 )
    end do

    if ( NumGaussNodeZAInt > 0 ) then
      ! for case with Gaussian quadrature
      IntFact = 2.0_DP
      ! for two-stream approximation or case with diffusivity factor
      IntFact = 1.0_DP
    end if

    !   Initialization
    xyr_RadLUwFlux     = 0.0_DP
    xyr_RadLDwFlux     = 0.0_DP
    xyra_DelRadLUwFlux = 0.0_DP
    xyra_DelRadLDwFlux = 0.0_DP

    !   Loop for Gaussian quadrature
    loop_gq : do n = 1, max( NumGaussNodeZAInt, 1 )

      ! Preparetion
      if ( NumGaussNodeZAInt > 0 ) then
        CosZA = a_CosZA(n)
        CosZA = 1.0_DP / DiffFact
      end if
      xyz_TransEachLayer = ( xyz_TransEachLayer0 )**(1.0d0/CosZA)
      xyr_Trans0(:,:,0) = 1.0_DP
      do k = 1, kmax
        xyr_Trans0(:,:,k) = xyr_Trans0(:,:,k-1) * xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k)
      end do
      xyr_Trans1(:,:,0) = xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,1)
      xyr_Trans1(:,:,1) = 1.0_DP
      do k = 2, kmax
        xyr_Trans1(:,:,k) = xyr_Trans0(:,:,k-1) * xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k)
      end do

      !   Downward flux
      k = kmax
      xyr_DwFlux(:,:,k) = 0.0_DP
      do k = kmax-1, 0, -1
        xyr_DwFlux(:,:,k) = ( xyr_DwFlux(:,:,k+1) - IntFact * xyr_IntPF(:,:,k+1) ) * xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k+1) + IntFact * xyr_IntPF(:,:,k) - IntFact * CosZA * xyz_DPFDOptDep(:,:,k+1) * ( 1.0_DP - xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k+1) )
      end do
      !   Upward flux
      k = 0
      xyr_UwFlux(:,:,k) = IntFact * xy_SurfIntPF + xy_SurfAlbedo * xyr_DwFlux(:,:,0)
      do k = 1, kmax
        xyr_UwFlux(:,:,k) = ( xyr_UwFlux(:,:,k-1) - IntFact * xyr_IntPF(:,:,k-1) ) * xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k) + IntFact * xyr_IntPF(:,:,k) + IntFact * CosZA * xyz_DPFDOptDep(:,:,k) * ( 1.0_DP - xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k) )
      end do

      ! �¾å����������¹ã����������ç®�
      ! Calculate rate of change of radiative flux
      do k = 0, kmax
        xyra_DelUwFlux(:,:,k,0) = IntFact * xy_SurfIntDPFDT * xyr_Trans0(:,:,k)
      end do
      do k = 0, kmax
        xyra_DelDwFlux(:,:,k,0) = 0.0_DP
      end do
      xyra_DelUwFlux(:,:,:,1) = 0.0_DP
      xyra_DelDwFlux(:,:,:,1) = 0.0_DP

      ! Sum over zenith angle
      if ( NumGaussNodeZAInt > 0 ) then
        GaussWeight = a_GaussWeight( n )

        xyr_RadLUwFlux = xyr_RadLUwFlux + xyr_UwFlux * CosZA * GaussWeight
        xyr_RadLDwFlux = xyr_RadLDwFlux + xyr_DwFlux * CosZA * GaussWeight

        xyra_DelRadLUwFlux = xyra_DelRadLUwFlux + xyra_DelUwFlux * CosZA * GaussWeight
        xyra_DelRadLDwFlux = xyra_DelRadLDwFlux + xyra_DelDwFlux * CosZA * GaussWeight
        xyr_RadLUwFlux = xyr_UwFlux
        xyr_RadLDwFlux = xyr_DwFlux

        xyra_DelRadLUwFlux = xyra_DelUwFlux
        xyra_DelRadLDwFlux = xyra_DelDwFlux
      end if

    end do loop_gq

  end subroutine RadRTENonScatMonoSemiAnal
Subroutine :
xyz_Temp(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: $ T $ . æ¸�º¦. Temperature
xy_SurfTemp(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: �°è¡¨�¢æ¸©åº�. Surface temperature
xy_SurfEmis(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: ����è¡��¢å��ºç�. Surface emissivity
xyrr_Trans(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: ������. Transmission coefficient
xyr_RadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Upward longwave flux
xyr_RadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Downward longwave flux
xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Upward longwave flux derivative
xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Downward longwave flux derivative
WNs :real(DP), intent(in ), optional
WNe :real(DP), intent(in ), optional
NumGaussNode :integer , intent(in ), optional


Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering


  subroutine RadRTENonScatWrapper( xyz_Temp, xy_SurfTemp, xy_SurfEmis, xyrr_Trans, xyr_RadLUwFlux, xyr_RadLDwFlux, xyra_DelRadLUwFlux, xyra_DelRadLDwFlux, WNs, WNe, NumGaussNode )
    ! �£ä¹±�������´å�����¾å�ä¼����¹ç�å¼���ç®�
    ! Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering

    ! �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã����� ; USE statements

    ! �����³ã���¢æ�°ã���ç®�
    ! Calculate Planck function
    use planck_func, only : Integ_PF_GQ_Array3D, Integ_PF_GQ_Array2D, Integ_DPFDT_GQ_Array2D

    ! 宣�� ; Declaration statements

    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_Temp    (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! $ T $ .     æ¸�º¦. Temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfTemp (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! �°è¡¨�¢æ¸©åº�. 
                              ! Surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfEmis (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! ����è¡��¢å��ºç�. 
                              ! Surface emissivity
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyrr_Trans   (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! ������. 
                              ! Transmission coefficient
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux derivative
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux derivative
    real(DP), intent(in ), optional :: WNs
    real(DP), intent(in ), optional :: WNe
    integer , intent(in ), optional :: NumGaussNode

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables
    real(DP):: xyz_IntPF        (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function
    real(DP):: xy_SurfIntPF     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
    real(DP):: xy_IntDPFDT1     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
    real(DP):: xy_SurfIntDPFDT  (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
                              ! with surface temperature

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. rad_rte_nonscat_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! Check arguments
    if ( present( WNs ) .or. present( WNe ) .or. present( NumGaussNode ) ) then
      if ( .not. ( present( WNs ) .and. present( WNe ) .and. present( NumGaussNode ) ) ) then
        call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'All of WNs, WNe, and NumGaussNode have to be present.' )
      end if
    end if

    if ( present( WNs ) ) then
      ! Case for non-grey atmosphere

      ! Integrate Planck function and temperature derivative of it
      call Integ_PF_GQ_Array3D( WNs, WNe, NumGaussNode, 0, imax-1, 1, jmax, 1, kmax, xyz_Temp, xyz_IntPF )
      call Integ_PF_GQ_Array2D( WNs, WNe, NumGaussNode, 0, imax-1, 1, jmax, xy_SurfTemp, xy_SurfIntPF )
      call Integ_DPFDT_GQ_Array2D( WNs, WNe, NumGaussNode, 0, imax-1, 1, jmax, xyz_Temp(:,:,1), xy_IntDPFDT1 )
      call Integ_DPFDT_GQ_Array2D( WNs, WNe, NumGaussNode, 0, imax-1, 1, jmax, xy_SurfTemp, xy_SurfIntDPFDT )

      xyz_IntPF       =               PI * xyz_IntPF
      xy_SurfIntPF    = xy_SurfEmis * PI * xy_SurfIntPF
      xy_IntDPFDT1    =               PI * xy_IntDPFDT1
      xy_SurfIntDPFDT = xy_SurfEmis * PI * xy_SurfIntDPFDT


      ! Case for grey atmosphere
      xyz_IntPF       =                        StB * xyz_Temp**4
      xy_SurfIntPF    = xy_SurfEmis          * StB * xy_SurfTemp**4
      xy_IntDPFDT1    =               4.0_DP * StB * xyz_Temp(:,:,1)**3
      xy_SurfIntDPFDT = xy_SurfEmis * 4.0_DP * StB * xy_SurfTemp**3

    end if

    call RadRTENonScat( xyz_IntPF, xy_SurfIntPF, xy_IntDPFDT1, xy_SurfIntDPFDT, xyrr_Trans, xyr_RadLUwFlux, xyr_RadLDwFlux, xyra_DelRadLUwFlux, xyra_DelRadLDwFlux )

  end subroutine RadRTENonScatWrapper
Variable :
rad_rte_nonscat_inited = .false. :logical, save, public
: ����設������. Initialization flag

Private Instance methods

Variable :
DiffFact :real(DP), save
Variable :
NumGaussNodeZAInt :integer , save
Subroutine :
xyz_IntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated Planck function
xy_SurfIntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
xy_IntDPFDT1(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
xy_SurfIntDPFDT(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function with surface temperature
xyrr_Trans(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: ������. Transmission coefficient
xyr_RadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Upward longwave flux
xyr_RadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Downward longwave flux
xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Upward longwave flux derivative
xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Downward longwave flux derivative


Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering


  subroutine RadRTENonScatAnotherForm( xyz_IntPF, xy_SurfIntPF, xy_IntDPFDT1, xy_SurfIntDPFDT, xyrr_Trans, xyr_RadLUwFlux, xyr_RadLDwFlux, xyra_DelRadLUwFlux, xyra_DelRadLDwFlux )
    ! �£ä¹±�������´å�����¾å�ä¼����¹ç�å¼���ç®�
    ! Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering

    ! �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã����� ; USE statements

    ! 宣�� ; Declaration statements

    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_IntPF        (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfIntPF     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_IntDPFDT1     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfIntDPFDT  (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
                              ! with surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyrr_Trans   (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! ������. 
                              ! Transmission coefficient
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux derivative
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux derivative

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables
    real(DP) :: xyr_IntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)

    integer:: k, kk           ! ���´æ�¹å�������� DO ���¼ã�����業å���
                              ! Work variables for DO loop in vertical direction

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. rad_rte_nonscat_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! Calculate integrated Planck function at layer interface
    xyr_IntPF(:,:,0   ) = xyz_IntPF(:,:,1   )
    do k = 1, kmax-1
      xyr_IntPF(:,:,k) = ( xyz_IntPF(:,:,k) + xyz_IntPF(:,:,k+1) ) / 2.0_DP
    end do
    xyr_IntPF(:,:,kmax) = xyz_IntPF(:,:,kmax)

    ! �¾å����������¹è�ç®�
    ! Calculate radiation flux

    !   Initialization
    xyr_RadLDwFlux = 0.0_DP
    xyr_RadLUwFlux = 0.0_DP
    !   Downward flux
    do k = kmax, 0, -1

      xyr_RadLDwFlux(:,:,k) = xyr_IntPF(:,:,k   ) - xyr_IntPF(:,:,kmax) * xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kmax)
      do kk = kmax, k+1, -1
        xyr_RadLDwFlux(:,:,k) = xyr_RadLDwFlux(:,:,k) - ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kk-1) + xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kk) ) / 2.0_DP * ( xyr_IntPF(:,:,kk-1) - xyr_IntPF(:,:,kk) )
      end do

    end do
    !   Upward flux
    !     Set upward flux
    do k = 0, kmax

      xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k) = ( xy_SurfIntPF - xyr_IntPF(:,:,0) ) * xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0) + xyr_IntPF(:,:,k)
      do kk = 1, k
        xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k) = xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k) + ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kk-1) + xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,kk) ) / 2.0_DP * ( xyr_IntPF(:,:,kk-1) - xyr_IntPF(:,:,kk) )
      end do

    end do

    ! �¾å����������¹ã����������ç®�
    ! Calculate rate of change of radiative flux
    do k = 0, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,0) = xy_SurfIntDPFDT * xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0)
    end do
    k = 0
    xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,1) = 0.0_DP
    k = 1
    xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,1) = xy_IntDPFDT1 * ( - xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0) + 1.0_DP / 2.0_DP + ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0) + xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,1) ) / 2.0_DP / 2.0_DP )
    do k = 2, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,1) = xy_IntDPFDT1 * ( - xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0) + ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,0) + xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,1) ) / 2.0_DP / 2.0_DP + ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,1) + xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,2) ) / 2.0_DP / 2.0_DP )
    end do
    do k = 0, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,0) = 0.0_DP
    end do
    if ( kmax <= 1 ) then
      k = 0
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = + xy_IntDPFDT1 * (   1.0_DP - xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,k+1) )
      k = 1
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = 0.0_DP
      k = 0
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = + xy_IntDPFDT1 * (   1.0_DP - ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,k  ) + xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,k+1) ) / 2.0_DP / 2.0_DP - ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,k+1) + xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,k+2) ) / 2.0_DP / 2.0_DP )
      k = 1
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = + xy_IntDPFDT1 * (   1.0_DP / 2.0_DP - ( xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,k  ) + xyrr_Trans(:,:,k,k+1) ) / 2.0_DP / 2.0_DP )
    end if
    do k = 2, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = 0.0_DP
    end do

  end subroutine RadRTENonScatAnotherForm
Subroutine :
DiffFact :real(DP), intent(in )
: Diffusivity factor
xyz_IntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated Planck function
xy_SurfIntPF(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
xy_IntDPFDT1(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
xy_SurfIntDPFDT(0:imax-1, 1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function with surface temperature
xyz_OptDep(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
: ���������. Optical depth
xyr_RadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Upward longwave flux
xyr_RadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢����������. Downward longwave flux
xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Upward longwave flux derivative
xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1) :real(DP), intent(out)
: �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. Downward longwave flux derivative


Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering


  subroutine RadRTENonScatMonoWithDiffFact( DiffFact, xyz_IntPF, xy_SurfIntPF, xy_IntDPFDT1, xy_SurfIntDPFDT, xyz_OptDep, xyr_RadLUwFlux, xyr_RadLDwFlux, xyra_DelRadLUwFlux, xyra_DelRadLDwFlux )
    ! �£ä¹±�������´å�����¾å�ä¼����¹ç�å¼���ç®�
    ! Integrate radiative transfer equation without scattering

    ! �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã����� ; USE statements

    ! 宣�� ; Declaration statements

    real(DP), intent(in ) :: DiffFact
                              ! Diffusivity factor
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_IntPF        (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfIntPF     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated Planck function with surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_IntDPFDT1     (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xy_SurfIntDPFDT  (0:imax-1, 1:jmax)
                              ! Integrated temperature derivative of Planck function
                              ! with surface temperature
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_OptDep   (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! ���������. 
                              ! Optical depth
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyr_RadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! �·æ³¢����������. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLUwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Upward longwave flux derivative
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyra_DelRadLDwFlux (0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax, 0:1)
                              ! �·æ³¢�°è¡¨æ¸�º¦å¤���. 
                              ! Downward longwave flux derivative

    ! �業��
    ! Work variables
    real(DP) :: xyz_TransEachLayer(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 1:kmax)
                              ! ������. 
                              ! Transmission coefficient
    real(DP) :: xyr_Trans0(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! Transmission coefficient from surface to layer interfaces
    real(DP) :: xyr_Trans1(0:imax-1, 1:jmax, 0:kmax)
                              ! Transmission coefficient from top of the lowest layer to layer interfaces

    integer:: k               ! ���´æ�¹å�������� DO ���¼ã�����業å���
                              ! Work variables for DO loop in vertical direction

    ! ���� ; Executable statement

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. rad_rte_nonscat_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! �¾å����������¹è�ç®�
    ! Calculate radiation flux

    xyz_TransEachLayer = exp( - DiffFact * xyz_OptDep )
    xyr_Trans0(:,:,0) = 1.0_DP
    do k = 1, kmax
      xyr_Trans0(:,:,k) = xyr_Trans0(:,:,k-1) * xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k)
    end do
    xyr_Trans1(:,:,0) = xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,1)
    xyr_Trans1(:,:,1) = 1.0_DP
    do k = 2, kmax
      xyr_Trans1(:,:,k) = xyr_Trans0(:,:,k-1) * xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k)
    end do

    !   Initialization
    xyr_RadLDwFlux = 0.0_DP
    xyr_RadLUwFlux = 0.0_DP
    !   Downward flux
    k = kmax
    xyr_RadLDwFlux(:,:,k) = 0.0_DP
    do k = kmax-1, 0, -1
      xyr_RadLDwFlux(:,:,k) = xyr_RadLDwFlux(:,:,k+1) * xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k+1) + xyz_IntPF(:,:,k+1) * ( 1.0_DP - xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k+1) )
    end do
    !   Upward flux
    k = 0
    xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k) = xy_SurfIntPF
    do k = 1, kmax
      xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k) = xyr_RadLUwFlux(:,:,k-1) * xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k) - xyz_IntPF(:,:,k) * ( xyz_TransEachLayer(:,:,k) - 1.0_DP )
    end do

    ! �¾å����������¹ã����������ç®�
    ! Calculate rate of change of radiative flux
    do k = 0, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,0) = xy_SurfIntDPFDT * xyr_Trans0(:,:,k)
    end do
    k = 0
    xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,1) = 0.0_DP
    do k = 1, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLUwFlux(:,:,k,1) = - xy_IntDPFDT1 * ( xyr_Trans0(:,:,k) - xyr_Trans1(:,:,k) )
    end do
    do k = 0, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,0) = 0.0_DP
    end do
    k = 0
    xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = + xy_IntDPFDT1 * ( xyr_Trans0(:,:,k) - xyr_Trans1(:,:,k) )
    do k = 1, kmax
      xyra_DelRadLDwFlux(:,:,k,1) = 0.0_DP
    end do

  end subroutine RadRTENonScatMonoWithDiffFact
Variable :
a_CosZA( : ) :real(DP), save, allocatable
Variable :
a_GaussWeight( : ) :real(DP), save, allocatable
Constant :
module_name = ‘rad_rte_nonscat :character(*), parameter
: �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã������ç§�. Module name
Constant :
version = ’$Name: $’ // ’$Id: rad_rte_nonscat.f90,v 1.6 2014/06/29 07:48:29 yot Exp $’ :character(*), parameter
: �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã�������¼ã�¸ã�§ã�� Module version