Class set_1d_profile
In: prepare_data/set_1d_profile.f90


Included Modules

dc_types dc_message gridset dc_string dc_iounit gtool_history netcdf_wrapper namelist_util

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
xyz_Press(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
xyz_Temp(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)
xyz_QVap(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)


  subroutine Set1DProfileAtm( xyz_Press, xyz_Temp, xyz_QVap )

    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_Press(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax)
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyz_Temp (0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax)
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyz_QVap (0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax)

    ! local variables
    real(DP), allocatable :: a_InLogQH2O(:)

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. set_1d_profile_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    call Set1DProfileInterpolate( Inkmax, a_InPress, a_InTemp, xyz_Press, xyz_Temp )

    if ( any( a_InQH2O <= 0.0_DP ) ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'QH2O contains values <= 0.' )
    end if
    allocate( a_InLogQH2O( Inkmax ) )
    a_InLogQH2O = log( a_InQH2O )

    call Set1DProfileInterpolate( Inkmax, a_InPress, a_InLogQH2O, xyz_Press, xyz_QVap )
    xyz_QVap(:,:,:) = exp( xyz_QVap(:,:,:) )

    deallocate( a_InLogQH2O )

  end subroutine Set1DProfileAtm
Subroutine :

This procedure input/output NAMELIST#set_1d_profile_nml .


  subroutine Set1DProfileInit

    ! ��������
    ! Character handling
    use dc_string, only: toChar

    ! ���¡ã�¤ã���¥å�ºå��è£���
    ! File I/O support
    use dc_iounit, only: FileOpen

    ! gtool ���¼ã�¿å�¥å��
    ! Gtool data input
    use gtool_history, only: HistoryGet, HistoryGetAttr

    ! NetCDF ���������¼ã���­ã�°ã����
    ! NetCDF wrapper
    use netcdf_wrapper, only : NWInqDimLen

    ! NAMELIST ���¡ã�¤ã���¥å�����¢ã�������¼ã���£ã������
    ! Utilities for NAMELIST file input
    use namelist_util, only: namelist_filename, NmlutilMsg, NmlutilAryValid

    ! 宣�� ; Declaration statements
    integer :: TimeIndex

    logical :: flag_mpi_init

    integer:: unit_nml        ! NAMELIST ���¡ã�¤ã�����¼ã���³ç���ç½����.
                              ! Unit number for NAMELIST file open
    integer:: iostat_nml      ! NAMELIST 読ã�¿è¾¼�¿æ���� IOSTAT.
                              ! IOSTAT of NAMELIST read

    ! NAMELIST å¤��°ç¾¤
    ! NAMELIST group name
    namelist /set_1d_profile_nml/ InFileName, PressName, TempName, H2OVapName, O3Name, TimeIndex
          ! �����������¤ã���¤ã��������������ç¶� "set_1d_profile#Set1DProfileInit"
          ! ���½ã�¼ã�¹ã�³ã�¼ã�������§ã������.
          ! Refer to source codes in the initialization procedure
          ! "set_1d_profile#Set1DProfileInit" for the default values.

    if ( set_1d_profile_inited ) return

    ! �����������¤ã��¨­å®�
    ! Default values settings
!!$    InFileName = ''
    InFileName = ''
    PressName  = 'plev'
    TempName   = 'Temp'
    H2OVapName = 'H2OVap'
    O3Name     = ''

    TimeIndex  = -1

    ! NAMELIST ����¿è¾¼��
    ! NAMELIST is input
    if ( trim(namelist_filename) /= '' ) then
      call FileOpen( unit_nml, namelist_filename, mode = 'r' ) ! (in)

      rewind( unit_nml )
      read( unit_nml, nml = set_1d_profile_nml, iostat = iostat_nml )             ! (out)
      close( unit_nml )

      call NmlutilMsg( iostat_nml, module_name ) ! (in)
    end if

    if ( InFileName /= '' ) then

      call NWInqDimLen( InFileName, PressName, Inkmax )

      allocate( a_InPress( Inkmax ) )
      allocate( a_InTemp ( Inkmax ) )
      allocate( a_InQH2O ( Inkmax ) )
      allocate( a_InQO3  ( Inkmax ) )

      flag_mpi_init = .true.

      if ( TimeIndex <= 0 ) then
        call HistoryGet( InFileName, PressName, a_InPress, flag_mpi_split = flag_mpi_init )
        call HistoryGet( InFileName, PressName, a_InPress, range = 'time=^'//toChar(TimeIndex), flag_mpi_split = flag_mpi_init )
      end if

      if ( H2OVapName /= '' ) then
        if ( TimeIndex <= 0 ) then
          call HistoryGet( InFileName, TempName, a_InTemp, flag_mpi_split = flag_mpi_init )
          call HistoryGet( InFileName, TempName, a_InTemp, range = 'time=^'//toChar(TimeIndex), flag_mpi_split = flag_mpi_init )
        end if
        a_InTemp = 0.0_DP
      end if

      if ( H2OVapName /= '' ) then
        if ( TimeIndex <= 0 ) then
          call HistoryGet( InFileName, H2OVapName, a_InQH2O, flag_mpi_split = flag_mpi_init )
          call HistoryGet( InFileName, H2OVapName, a_InQH2O, range = 'time=^'//toChar(TimeIndex), flag_mpi_split = flag_mpi_init )
        end if
        a_InQH2O = 0.0_DP
      end if

      if ( O3Name /= '' ) then
        if ( TimeIndex <= 0 ) then
          call HistoryGet( InFileName, O3Name, a_InQO3, flag_mpi_split = flag_mpi_init )
          call HistoryGet( InFileName, O3Name, a_InQO3, range = 'time=^'//toChar(TimeIndex), flag_mpi_split = flag_mpi_init )
        end if
        a_InQO3 = 0.0_DP
      end if

    end if

    ! �°å� ; Print
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '----- Initialization Messages -----' )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'InFileName = %c', c1 = trim(InFileName) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'PressName  = %c', c1 = trim(PressName) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'TempName   = %c', c1 = trim(TempName) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'H2OVapName = %c', c1 = trim(H2OVapName) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'O3Name     = %c', c1 = trim(O3Name) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, 'TimeIndex  = %d', i = (/TimeIndex/) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '-- version = %c', c1 = trim(version) )

    set_1d_profile_inited = .true.

  end subroutine Set1DProfileInit
Subroutine :
xyz_Press(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
xyz_QO3(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)


  subroutine Set1DProfileO3( xyz_Press, xyz_QO3 )

    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_Press(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax)
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyz_QO3  (0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax)

    ! local variables
    real(DP), allocatable :: a_InLogQO3(:)

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. set_1d_profile_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    if ( any( a_InQO3 <= 0.0_DP ) ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'QO3 contains values <= 0.' )
    end if
    allocate( a_InLogQO3( Inkmax ) )
    a_InLogQO3 = log( a_InQO3 )

    call Set1DProfileInterpolate( Inkmax, a_InPress, a_InLogQO3, xyz_Press, xyz_QO3 )

    xyz_QO3(:,:,:) = exp( xyz_QO3(:,:,:) )

    deallocate( a_InLogQO3 )

  end subroutine Set1DProfileO3
Subroutine :
xy_Ps(0:imax-1,1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(out)


  subroutine Set1DProfilePs( xy_Ps )

    real(DP), intent(out) :: xy_Ps(0:imax-1,1:jmax)

    ! local variables

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. set_1d_profile_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    xy_Ps = a_InPress(1)

  end subroutine Set1DProfilePs
Subroutine :
xy_SurfTemp(0:imax-1,1:jmax) :real(DP), intent(out)


  subroutine Set1DProfileSurfTemp( xy_SurfTemp )

    real(DP), intent(out) :: xy_SurfTemp(0:imax-1,1:jmax)

    ! local variables

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. set_1d_profile_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    xy_SurfTemp = a_InTemp(1)

  end subroutine Set1DProfileSurfTemp

Private Instance methods

Variable :
H2OVapName :character(len=STRING), save
Variable :
InFileName :character(len=STRING), save
Variable :
Inkmax :integer , save
Variable :
O3Name :character(len=STRING), save
Variable :
PressName :character(len=STRING), save
Subroutine :
NLev :integer , intent(in )
a_Press(1:NLev) :real(DP), intent(in )
a_Array(1:NLev) :real(DP), intent(in )
xyz_Press(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(in )
xyz_Array(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax) :real(DP), intent(out)


  subroutine Set1DProfileInterpolate( NLev, a_Press, a_Array, xyz_Press, xyz_Array )

    integer , intent(in ) :: NLev
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: a_Press  (1:NLev)
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: a_Array  (1:NLev)
    real(DP), intent(in ) :: xyz_Press(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax)
    real(DP), intent(out) :: xyz_Array(0:imax-1,1:jmax,1:kmax)

    ! local variables
    integer :: i
    integer :: j
    integer :: k
    integer :: kk

    ! ������確è�
    ! Initialization check
    if ( .not. set_1d_profile_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! Old code to be deleted

!!$    do k = 1, kmax
!!$      if( xyz_Press(0,1,k) <= a_Press(NLev) ) then
!!$        xyz_Array(0,1,k) = a_Array(NLev)
!!$      else
!!$        search_loop : do kk = 2, Inkmax
!!$          if( a_Press( kk ) < xyz_Press(0,1,k) ) exit search_loop
!!$        end do search_loop
!!$        if( kk > NLev ) &
!!$          stop 'Unexpected error in setting temperature profile'
!!$        xyz_Array(0,1,k) =                                  &
!!$          &   ( a_Array( kk ) - a_Array( kk-1 ) )           &
!!$          & / ( log( a_Press( kk )    / a_Press( kk-1 ) ) ) &
!!$          & * ( log( xyz_Press(0,1,k) / a_Press( kk-1 ) ) ) &
!!$          & + a_Array( kk-1 )
!!$      end if
!!$    end do
!!$    do k = 1, kmax
!!$      xyz_Array(:,:,k) = xyz_Array(0,1,k)
!!$    end do

    do k = 1, kmax
      do j = 1, jmax
        do i = 0, imax-1

          if( xyz_Press(i,j,k) <= a_Press(NLev) ) then
            xyz_Array(i,j,k) = a_Array(NLev)
            search_loop : do kk = 2, Inkmax
              if( a_Press( kk ) < xyz_Press(i,j,k) ) exit search_loop
            end do search_loop
            if( kk > NLev ) stop 'Unexpected error in setting temperature profile'
            xyz_Array(i,j,k) = ( a_Array( kk ) - a_Array( kk-1 ) ) / ( log( a_Press( kk )    / a_Press( kk-1 ) ) ) * ( log( xyz_Press(i,j,k) / a_Press( kk-1 ) ) ) + a_Array( kk-1 )
          end if

        end do
      end do
    end do

  end subroutine Set1DProfileInterpolate
Variable :
TempName :character(len=STRING), save
Variable :
a_InPress(:) :real(DP), allocatable, save
Variable :
a_InQH2O(:) :real(DP), allocatable, save
Variable :
a_InQO3(:) :real(DP), allocatable, save
Variable :
a_InTemp(:) :real(DP), allocatable, save
Constant :
module_name = ‘set_1d_profile :character(*), parameter
: �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã������ç§�. Module name
Variable :
set_1d_profile_inited = .false. :logical, save
: ����設������. Initialization flag
Constant :
version = ’$Name: $’ // ’$Id: set_1d_profile.f90,v 1.6 2015/01/29 12:05:42 yot Exp $’ :character(*), parameter
: �¢ã�¸ã�¥ã�¼ã�������¼ã�¸ã�§ã�� Module version