Class saturate_DennouAGCM
In: saturate/saturate_DennouAGCM.f90

Dennou AGCM の式を用いた飽和比湿の算出

Evaluate saturation specific humidity with method used by Dennou AGCM

Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel.

Dennou AGCM で用いられていた式を用いて飽和蒸気圧を計算します. この式は, 元々 沼口 (1992) に依っています.

Saturation specific humidity and temperature derivative of it are calculated with a formula used in Dennou AGCM. This formula is originaly obtained from Numaguti (1992).


  • Numaguti, 1992: <title in Japanese>, Doctor thesis, University of Tokyo.

Procedures List

CalcQVapSat :飽和比湿の計算
CalcDQVapSatDTemp :飽和比湿の温度微分の計算
———— :————
CalcQVapSat :Calculate saturation specific humidity
CalcDQVapSatDTemp :Calculate temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity


Included Modules

dc_types dc_message constants namelist_util dc_iounit dc_string gtool_historyauto

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :

saturate_DennouAGCM モジュールの初期化を行います.

"saturate_DennouAGCM" module is initialized.

This procedure input/output NAMELIST#saturate_DennouAGCM_nml .


  subroutine SaturateInit
    ! saturate_DennouAGCM モジュールの初期化を行います. 
    ! "saturate_DennouAGCM" module is initialized. 

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! NAMELIST ファイル入力に関するユーティリティ
    ! Utilities for NAMELIST file input
    use namelist_util, only: namelist_filename, NmlutilMsg

    ! ファイル入出力補助
    ! File I/O support
    use dc_iounit, only: FileOpen

    ! 種別型パラメタ
    ! Kind type parameter
    use dc_types, only: STDOUT ! 標準出力の装置番号. Unit number of standard output

    ! 文字列操作
    ! Character handling
    use dc_string, only: StoA

    ! ヒストリデータ出力
    ! History data output
    use gtool_historyauto, only: HistoryAutoAddVariable

    ! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
    implicit none

    integer:: unit_nml        ! NAMELIST ファイルオープン用装置番号. 
                              ! Unit number for NAMELIST file open
    integer:: iostat_nml      ! NAMELIST 読み込み時の IOSTAT. 
                              ! IOSTAT of NAMELIST read

    ! NAMELIST 変数群
    ! NAMELIST group name
    namelist /saturate_DennouAGCM_nml/ FlagSublimation
          ! デフォルト値については初期化手続 "saturate_DennouAGCM#SaturateInit" 
          ! のソースコードを参照のこと. 
          ! Refer to source codes in the initialization procedure
          ! "saturate_DennouAGCM#SaturateInit" for the default values. 

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    if ( saturate_DennouAGCM_inited ) return

    ! デフォルト値の設定
    ! Default values settings
    FlagSublimation = .false.

    ! NAMELIST の読み込み
    ! NAMELIST is input
    if ( trim(namelist_filename) /= '' ) then
      call FileOpen( unit_nml, namelist_filename, mode = 'r' ) ! (in)

      rewind( unit_nml )
      read( unit_nml, nml = saturate_DennouAGCM_nml, iostat = iostat_nml )   ! (out)
      close( unit_nml )

      call NmlutilMsg( iostat_nml, module_name ) ! (in)
    end if

    ! 印字 ; Print
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '----- Initialization Messages -----' )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '  FlagSublimation = %b', l = (/ FlagSublimation /) )
    call MessageNotify( 'M', module_name, '-- version = %c', c1 = trim(version) )

    saturate_DennouAGCM_inited = .true.

  end subroutine SaturateInit
Variable :
saturate_DennouAGCM_inited = .false. :logical, save, public
: 初期設定フラグ. Initialization flag
Function :
xyz_DQVapSatDTemp(size(xyz_Temp,1), size(xyz_Temp,2), size(xyz_Temp,3)) :real(DP)
: $ DP{q^{*}}{T} $ . 飽和比湿の温度微分. Temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity.
xyz_Temp(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
xyz_QVapSat(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: $ q^{*} $ . 飽和比湿. Saturation specific humidity

温度 Temp と飽和比湿 QVapSat を用い, 飽和比湿の温度微分 DQVapSatDTemp を求めます.

Calculate temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity DQVapSatDTemp using temperature Temp and saturation specific humidity QVapSat.


  function xyz_CalcDQVapSatDTempOnLiq( xyz_Temp, xyz_QVapSat ) result( xyz_DQVapSatDTemp )
    ! 温度 *Temp* と飽和比湿 *QVapSat* を用い, 
    ! 飽和比湿の温度微分 *DQVapSatDTemp* を求めます. 
    ! Calculate temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity 
    ! *DQVapSatDTemp* using
    ! temperature *Temp* and saturation specific humidity *QVapSat*. 

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! 物理定数設定
    ! Physical constants settings
    use constants, only: GasRWet, LatentHeat, LatentHeatFusion, EpsV                  ! $ \epsilon_v $ . 
                              ! 水蒸気分子量比. 
                              ! Molecular weight of water vapor

    ! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
    implicit none

    real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_Temp   (:,:,:)
                              ! $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
    real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_QVapSat(:,:,:)
                              ! $ q^{*} $ . 飽和比湿. Saturation specific humidity
    real(DP):: xyz_DQVapSatDTemp(size(xyz_Temp,1), size(xyz_Temp,2), size(xyz_Temp,3))
                              ! $ \DP{q^{*}}{T} $ . 飽和比湿の温度微分. 
                              ! Temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity. 

    ! 作業変数
    ! Work variables
    real(DP):: LatentHeatLocal
                              ! Latent heat used in this routine

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    if ( .not. saturate_DennouAGCM_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! Set a value for latent heat
    if ( FlagSublimation ) then
      LatentHeatLocal = LatentHeat + LatentHeatFusion
      LatentHeatLocal = LatentHeat
    end if

    xyz_DQVapSatDTemp = LatentHeatLocal * xyz_QVapSat / ( GasRWet * xyz_Temp**2 )

  end function xyz_CalcDQVapSatDTempOnLiq
Function :
xyz_DQVapSatDTemp(size(xyz_Temp,1), size(xyz_Temp,2), size(xyz_Temp,3)) :real(DP)
: $ DP{q^{*}}{T} $ . 飽和比湿の温度微分. Temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity.
xyz_Temp(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
xyz_QVapSat(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: $ q^{*} $ . 飽和比湿. Saturation specific humidity

温度 Temp と飽和比湿 QVapSat を用い, 飽和比湿の温度微分 DQVapSatDTemp を求めます.

Calculate temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity DQVapSatDTemp using temperature Temp and saturation specific humidity QVapSat.


  function xyz_CalcDQVapSatDTempOnSol( xyz_Temp, xyz_QVapSat ) result( xyz_DQVapSatDTemp )
    ! 温度 *Temp* と飽和比湿 *QVapSat* を用い, 
    ! 飽和比湿の温度微分 *DQVapSatDTemp* を求めます. 
    ! Calculate temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity 
    ! *DQVapSatDTemp* using
    ! temperature *Temp* and saturation specific humidity *QVapSat*. 

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! 物理定数設定
    ! Physical constants settings
    use constants, only: GasRWet, LatentHeat, LatentHeatFusion, EpsV                  ! $ \epsilon_v $ . 
                              ! 水蒸気分子量比. 
                              ! Molecular weight of water vapor

    ! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
    implicit none

    real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_Temp   (:,:,:)
                              ! $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
    real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_QVapSat(:,:,:)
                              ! $ q^{*} $ . 飽和比湿. Saturation specific humidity
    real(DP):: xyz_DQVapSatDTemp(size(xyz_Temp,1), size(xyz_Temp,2), size(xyz_Temp,3))
                              ! $ \DP{q^{*}}{T} $ . 飽和比湿の温度微分. 
                              ! Temperature derivative of saturation specific humidity. 

    ! 作業変数
    ! Work variables
    real(DP):: LatentHeatLocal
                              ! Latent heat used in this routine

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    if ( .not. saturate_DennouAGCM_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! Set a value for latent heat
    LatentHeatLocal = LatentHeat + LatentHeatFusion

    xyz_DQVapSatDTemp = LatentHeatLocal * xyz_QVapSat / ( GasRWet * xyz_Temp**2 )

  end function xyz_CalcDQVapSatDTempOnSol
Function :
xyz_QVapSat(1:size(xyz_Temp,1), 1:size(xyz_Temp,2), 1:size(xyz_Temp,3)) :real(DP)
: $ q^{*} $ . 飽和比湿. Saturation specific humidity
xyz_Temp(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
xyz_Press(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: $ p $ . 気圧. Air pressure

温度 Temp と気圧 Press を用い, 飽和比湿 QVapSat を求めます.

Calculate saturation specific humidity QVapSat using temperature Temp and air pressure Press.


  function xyz_CalcQVapSatOnLiq( xyz_Temp, xyz_Press ) result( xyz_QVapSat )
    ! 温度 *Temp* と気圧 *Press* を用い, 
    ! 飽和比湿 *QVapSat* を求めます. 
    ! Calculate saturation specific humidity *QVapSat* using
    ! temperature *Temp* and air pressure *Press*. 

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! 物理定数設定
    ! Physical constants settings
    use constants, only: GasRWet, LatentHeat, LatentHeatFusion, EpsV                  ! $ \epsilon_v $ . 
                              ! 水蒸気分子量比. 
                              ! Molecular weight of water vapor

    ! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
    implicit none

    real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_Temp (:,:,:)
                              ! $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
    real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_Press(:,:,:)
                              ! $ p $ . 気圧. Air pressure

    real(DP):: xyz_QVapSat(1:size(xyz_Temp,1), 1:size(xyz_Temp,2), 1:size(xyz_Temp,3))
                              ! $ q^{*} $ . 飽和比湿. Saturation specific humidity

    ! 作業変数
    ! Work variables
    real(DP):: LatentHeatLocal
                              ! Latent heat used in this routine

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    ! 初期化確認
    ! Initialization check

    if ( .not. saturate_DennouAGCM_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! Set a value for latent heat
    if ( FlagSublimation ) then
      LatentHeatLocal = LatentHeat + LatentHeatFusion
      LatentHeatLocal = LatentHeat
    end if

    xyz_QVapSat = EpsV * Es0 * exp( LatentHeatLocal / GasRWet * ( 1.0_DP/273.0_DP - 1.0_DP/xyz_Temp ) ) / xyz_Press

  end function xyz_CalcQVapSatOnLiq
Function :
xyz_QVapSat(1:size(xyz_Temp,1), 1:size(xyz_Temp,2), 1:size(xyz_Temp,3)) :real(DP)
: $ q^{*} $ . 飽和比湿. Saturation specific humidity
xyz_Temp(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
xyz_Press(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
: $ p $ . 気圧. Air pressure

温度 Temp と気圧 Press を用い, 飽和比湿 QVapSat を求めます.

Calculate saturation specific humidity QVapSat using temperature Temp and air pressure Press.


  function xyz_CalcQVapSatOnSol( xyz_Temp, xyz_Press ) result( xyz_QVapSat )
    ! 温度 *Temp* と気圧 *Press* を用い, 
    ! 飽和比湿 *QVapSat* を求めます. 
    ! Calculate saturation specific humidity *QVapSat* using
    ! temperature *Temp* and air pressure *Press*. 

    ! モジュール引用 ; USE statements

    ! 物理定数設定
    ! Physical constants settings
    use constants, only: GasRWet, LatentHeat, LatentHeatFusion, EpsV                  ! $ \epsilon_v $ . 
                              ! 水蒸気分子量比. 
                              ! Molecular weight of water vapor

    ! 宣言文 ; Declaration statements
    implicit none

    real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_Temp (:,:,:)
                              ! $ T $ . 温度. Temperature
    real(DP), intent(in):: xyz_Press(:,:,:)
                              ! $ p $ . 気圧. Air pressure

    real(DP):: xyz_QVapSat(1:size(xyz_Temp,1), 1:size(xyz_Temp,2), 1:size(xyz_Temp,3))
                              ! $ q^{*} $ . 飽和比湿. Saturation specific humidity

    ! 作業変数
    ! Work variables
    real(DP):: LatentHeatLocal
                              ! Latent heat used in this routine

    ! 実行文 ; Executable statement

    ! 初期化確認
    ! Initialization check

    if ( .not. saturate_DennouAGCM_inited ) then
      call MessageNotify( 'E', module_name, 'This module has not been initialized.' )
    end if

    ! Set a value for latent heat
    LatentHeatLocal = LatentHeat + LatentHeatFusion

    xyz_QVapSat = EpsV * Es0 * exp( LatentHeatLocal / GasRWet * ( 1./273. - 1./xyz_Temp ) ) / xyz_Press

  end function xyz_CalcQVapSatOnSol

Private Instance methods

Constant :
Es0 = 611.0_DP :real(DP), parameter
: 0 ℃の飽和蒸気圧 [Pa]. Saturation water vapor pressure at 0 deg C [Pa]
Variable :
FlagSublimation :logical, save
: flag for treating sublimation
Constant :
module_name = ‘saturate_DennouAGCM :character(*), parameter
: モジュールの名称. Module name
Constant :
version = ’$Name: dcpam5-20150217 $’ // ’$Id: saturate_DennouAGCM.f90,v 1.6 2015/01/29 12:07:16 yot Exp $’ :character(*), parameter
: モジュールのバージョン Module version